I'm home!!

On Wednesday, I left Huaraz, Peru and took an 8-hour bus ride and a 40 min taxi ride to a guesthouse in Lima. On Thursday, I took a 5 1/2 hour plane rise, had a 4-hour layover in Miami, Took another 2-hour plane ride, and ended with a 2-hour car ride. So Now, I'm back home in Indiana!!!!! Here are some pictures from Peru!

(above) this is guinea pigs ready to sell
(above) this is what the market looked like
(Below) Yes, this is me eating Guinea Pig.

Indiana doesn't want me to leave does it?! :)

Hey, I'm sorry It's been 16 days since i blogged! Oops!
    Well on Jan 5th, Good old Indiana had a snowstorm that cancelled all the planes and left us with 12 inches of snow. Yep you read that right 12 inches. That would have been fine but it's what happened the NEXT day that caused problems.
  At 6:45 am on Jan 6th, 2014, It was -32 outside, our light went out. Yep, we didn't have lights from 6:45 am to 8:56 pm. It was a long cold day. We also had had high winds that night so we have really high drifts and Indiana was under an state of emergency, Well that would have been fine, if i didn't have somewhere to go.  ON Tuesday Jan 7th at 6:10 pm, i was supposed to fly out of Indy to go to Peru, south America.
    When i woke up Tuesday morning, i got on facebook to check if the Missionary's wife had sent me a message. She had. She told me that tho most of the flights are being cancelled mine was not cancelled. So my Father and I left at 10 after 12 to go to the airport. It only took us 2 1/2 hours instead of the normally 1 and 20 mins. But the roads were really bad. At 3:30, I checked my two bags in with one weighing over the 50lbs but the really nice lady just let it pass.
 At 4:15, I said goodbye to my father and Went through security. It was very easy. I didn't even have to take my laptop out or my bag of liquids. By then we knew my plane had been delayed from 6:10 to 6:45. still enough time to make my 11:55 Miami to Lima flight.
   I called Molly(the missionary's wife) before i boarded the plane in Indy. and I flew out!!!!

I landed here in Lima around 5:30 on Jan 8th. Steve and their oldest Daughter Lili came down to pick me up also there was another missionary who came in a couple of hours ahead of me, named Mr. Kenny.
  After they picked us up, we had to go the 8 hour drive up to their house in Huaraz. So I made it here safe and sound.
  I'll try to update late on about the rest of my trip!

Stupid Indiana weather

O I normally love snow. It's so pretty and last year we really didn't have that much snow. But this year.....
It was snowed when I'd rather it didn't!! I leave in Three days and tomorrow we are supposed to get anywhere from 4 inches to 12 inches! But knowing Indiana weather, we probably won't get that much but the temps on Tuesday the high is -5 and the low is -20! so i really hope my plane doesn't get cancelled or delayed! Please pray. Also if you have any tips about plane's beening delayed or cancelled please let me know


Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!!!
In just 6 days, I'm traveling international!!!
I hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas. I got some wonderful things. I got a $50 dollar gift card, and two packing cubes. I love them

I've been packing and packing and packing. I think everybody should be able to travel.....I promise to put pictures up

Wanna to read a big hit?