Lots has happened

So much has happened in the last couple of weeks. so much in fact, that i won't be able to remember all of it.
        School first; I ended up dropping my Science class. I'm picking up a marketing class next week, over spring break. Everything else is going great. Econ is interesting and not my favorite class. I love my math class. and Business is ok.
       As of this afternoon, My Cousin has a baby. Her name is Hope Roselynn. She's so cute. I'm going to be able to see them later this week, hopefully.
     I got a new job. I'm switching from donuts to bookkeeping at my current job, which is Flour Mill Bakery.

Now the interesting news......

 On January 2nd, I met a guy named Jordan. On January 21st, He asked me out. we've been going out 7 weeks tomorrow.  On Valentine's day, we went out with his parents to TGI's Friday's. Then we went back to his parents house and watched "God's not dead." When He took me home around 11, on my parents back porch, he told me three words, 8 letters. "i love you". On February 20th, i was able to say the words back to him and mean it.
He's going to Purdue and has 3 years left. He's an amazing and wonderful guy. He means the world to me. I can see him in my future and I'm not planning on ever letting him go.

Wanna to read a big hit?