This semester has been crazy!!
Over spring break, i flew to Virginia beach and coming back, they canceled my flight from Norfolk to Indy, So i flew into Chicago instead. I picked up an 8 week marketing class the week of spring break, so for 8 weeks i tried to work 17 hours a week and do 4 classes worth of homework, Fun? No.
For Easter, I went with Jordan to both of his grandparents house, and on Palm sunday, he came to mine.
Two weeks ago yesterday, I was admitted to the hospital. I had an abscess the size of a grapefruit on the side of my face. They ended up draining it and i stayed there from Wednesday-Sunday. So for the last two weeks of school, I haven't felt good and I've been off work. So I've had time to catch back up on my work. As of this afternoon, at 3, I turned in my last homework!! Yay!!!
Here's some pictures!