Noah's 15th Birthday Party= Paintballing

Hey Ya'll! How's it going??

This wonderful Sunday afternoon we had my brother's 15th birthday party! I can't believe he's that old already! It seems just like yesterday that he was a baby!! But time flies when you're having fun.

We decided to have a paint-balling party! It was so much fun!! I want to do it again. hopefully soon.
I'll post pictures later if i remember,
We started out with planning for 10 people to play :Daddy, Noah, Noah's Friend Landon, Landon's dad, A Friend from Llama's and his dad, Nolan, Eric,  Jordan and I.
Then Eric called me Yesterday (September 12th) and say that he was unable to play due to plans he had forgotten about. So that left us with 9 players!
Then Landon and his father got sick so that left us with 7 players. So it was fun.. We played at the Jordan's house. He supplied the guns and C02 gas and we supplied the paintballs. We played for about 3 hours! Lots of fun! Lots of bruises!

Totally worth it though...

Happy Birthday Noah!!


School is starting week 3!

Happy Labor Day everyone!

my goodness life has been crazy..
School started 2 weeks ago and taking 5 classes hasn't been as crazy as i thought it would be.

On Thursday, my car wouldn't start, again, and so i called my knights in shining armor, Nolan and Jordan Mellinger, to come help me. Which they did! and I'm so thankful. Unfortunately Nolan looked at it and was unable to fix it. I took my grandfather out to my car yesterday and he was unable to fix it yesterday also. Unfortunately i don't have the finances to just go out and buy a car or even get a car payment.

Jordan and I have been able to talk more this week and we've both asked questions that we both wanted to ask. Our Friendship is taking root, so things are going well..

Work has been busy. I just started to work nights, Friday nights instead of Saturdays. So i'll work Fridays from 9pm to 4am. It's going to be interesting, This past Friday night wasn't too bad, except that when i got home at 4, i didn't want to go to sleep. so i ended up staying awake until around 5.

I went to a wedding on Saturday, My Dear Friend Hannah Darling married her best friend Jared Kelley. Their wedding was beautiful. I wasn't able to go to the reception because we(Neenah, Emma and I) had to go to the llama camp out at the girls scout camp.

Ok well back to school..
please continue  praying for Me, Jordan and my family and his family. I'll continue praying that anybody who reads this will be uplifted and blessed.


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