She’s such an amazing baby. She sleeps pretty good at night and during the day. When she’s awake, she’s wide awake!
She had dark hair and wide blue eyes. She loves to cuddle. In the mornings she loves to look around.
She’s started to like the swing. Still likes the snuggle me just not as mush as she first did. She gets frustrated with the car seat, can’t move her head as much. Started to take the pacifier from other people, still only takes 2 of the many that we bought. She likes to suck her thump if given the chance. She falls right to sleep once swaddle at night. Loves blankets during the day.
She eats roughly every 2 hours. Sometimes she likes to eat every 1 hour and 15mins. At night most of the time she goes more Iike 3 hours between feeds. She’s slept a 5 hour straight at night before. She eats on 1 side normally. We’re hoping to try a bottle soon and hopign she’ll take it lol 😂
She’s still in most newborn clothes with some 0-3 months fitting. We have a ton of clothes so I’m coming to terms with her not wearing certain ones or her only wear a certain outfit once. She can still fit into her coming home sleeper but it’s getting tight.
She doesn’t really like baths. We tried one in the kitchen sink and she liked that better than in the tub.
Funny thing that happened: mommy changed her diaper at 4:45am and forgot to put one back on. Didn’t realize until 7am lol
She went to church for the first time this past Sunday.
She’s already been to another state and the zoo.