Covid Story

 Back in November, we had covid: Here is our covid story. We've done a good job at avoiding covid since March 2020 but unfortunately, we got it now and we'd of course get it the week that we closed on our new house. Anyways here's this story

I'm going to start with day 1 of symptoms. I have no idea when or where I was exposed so I can only go with what I know.

Day 1 - 11/7/2021 - I woke with a migraine that morning so we didn't go to church. I always have migraines so didn't think of anything. Went to my mom and dad's house. While there my husband went deer hunting and got 2 deer. I went out to help him track the doe. I didn't put a coat on and got my feet wet in the creek. While gutting the deer, I got chilled to the bone. I assumed it was due to my feet being wet. When we got home that night, I felt chilled to the bone and couldn't get warm. My bones hurt and I felt so tired. Sometime Sunday night, I woke and realized that I had a temp. I took it and it was 101.6. 

Day 2 - 11/8/2021 - My body ached all over. Felt like I was hit by a truck. Started having sinus pressure. Still had a fever. 

Day 3 - 11/9/2021 - Took an at-home test and it was positive for covid. Went to the doctor. Got another covid test and got meds for a sinus infection. 

Day 4- 11/10/2021 - Overall felt much better today. Still had sinus pressure and pain. No fever. No chills. 

Day 5- 11/11/2021 - Felt ok. My sinus' felt so much better today. Still tired. Still took a nap

Day 6 - 11/12/2021 - Had a migraine today. Felt more exhausted. We closed on our house during all of this!! and we were able to do this at home. My mother-in-law came and got the keys. She started painting the new house.

Day 7 - 11/13/2021 - I felt like dying... this was probably the worst i've ever felt in my entire life. Everything hurt. I felt like shit. I wasn't hungry. Could barely hold my baby. I slept almost all day. 

Day 8 - 11/14/2021 - Feel like I'm getting better. Still feel rough.

Day 9 - 11/15/2021 - Feel normal. Went to the new house today. Took a load of stuff over. Still feel tired but much more like me. Didn't feel like I needed to nap but I did rest

Day 10 - 11/16/2021 - Felt more like myself today. I still get tired very quickly. Moving things is hard to do when you're sick. Nick has been worse the last couple of days. 

Day 11 - 11/17/2021 - I'm supposed to work tomorrow. No idea how I'm going to be able to do that. I can barely sit up for a few hours. And we're supposed to move on Saturday

Day 12 - 11/18/2021 - Worked. Tired but felt almost normal. my body still aches if I overwork it. Moving to the new house tomorrow cause we are out of quarantine today! 

The aches and pains of overworking lasted for a few weeks. I felt like I was never going to feel "normal" again but sometimes after Christmas, I didn't wake hurting and didn't go to bed hurting.  One symptom that I had for weeks was that the bones in my arms and hands would hurt all the time. In January, I read an article that said sometimes going to the gym and working out helps the lasting covid symptoms. 

We were very thankful for both being healthy and not having lasting symptoms. A friend of mine had covid right after we did. He's young and he is still having lasting symptoms that just won't go away. 

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