Can it get any busier?

Life is very busy right now. Let me tell you all that has happened......:)

In May, I finished my second semester of college, decided on a degree (accounting), Drove 6 hours by my self to Cleveland to see my BEST friend for the weekend, and started going to work on Fridays and Saturdays at 4 am!! May was nice. I learn that i had enough courage to tell a boy that i liked him and i also learn that God sometimes says NO for us so that later on we don't go "why in the world did i do that?".

In June, My Cousin came home. He was stationed over seas for over a year and now he's back in the states! They also came to. While they were here, we went to Holiday world in Santa Claus, Indiana. If you never been, you NEED to go! It's the best place in the world. Free pop, Free sunscreen, wonderful rides and a water park! On June 17th, I went with them back down to Virginia beach. i stayed at their house for 2 weeks and came back on my 20th birthday!!!
 On June 2nd, I had to come home, :( I didn't want to. Coming home meant going back to work (My wonderful boss let me have those 2 weeks off). and in turn with coming back home, I have to start training. Bradley, who normally came in at 5 on Saturdays, quit in June so we've had to replace him. Last Saturday which was July 5th, I just trained 1 person and i felt like a stood around all day. Then today i trained 2 people and i REALLY felt like i stood around! :) oh well, Sandra knows how i feel and she says i'm not just standing around.
This past Monday, My little sister Emma and i went Blueberry picking. We picked 24lbs in an hour and 15 mins! That was WAY more than we planned on picking.
This coming week  i have to go in at 4am 3 days instead of 2 days. So that's going to be challenging, but Sandra knows i can do it,

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