
SO 24 Hours ago, I had like 5% anxiety and my biggest worry was how I was going to babysit my 3 cousins all day. But Right now... My anxiety is like level 1000% and I'm struggling to keep my fears to myself.

On Days like this, I'm always struck with how should a christian woman handle anxiety. Philippians 4:7 says " And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  I used to think that this mean that God will prevent me from having anxiety. But I've know came to think that's not the case but God will give you peace during times of anxiety.

Growing up, I don't remember talking to my parents about anxiety or really know what it was until i met my husband. One of the first hard conversation that my husband and i had was about my anxiety and how i had to get it under control. It was the first time that i realized I had anxiety and how bad it really was. I also realized I had had it for years.

Matthew 6:27 " And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? "

Sometimes I have anxiety over things, whether big or small.  Answering the phone, cashing a check, seeing my parents, telling Nick something that i don't like, taking a test or sometimes it's as simple as checking my email. Big things like going to a wedding, giving someone directions, or having a large conversation with my parents.

If you struggle with anxiety find someone who can help. My helper is my husband and a ladies bible group. When i tell my husband, my anxiety is bad, He reminds me to breath and then prays for me.

I've learning Day by Day to allow God to control my life more and more. On Days that i allow God to control, My anxiety I feel like God is always showing me that he loves me. By little things, like someone buying my coffee, or things going better than planned. Or sometimes I learn to give God my anxiety when things don't go as planned, when i can't find my laptop, or my dogs are missing or when my anxiety is causing a clouded mind that i can't sleep. But God is always there for you to cast your anxiety on. He cares for you. He's our father!

I always feel like when i have one anxiety thought, I quickly have 1000! Psalms 94:19 "When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, your consolations delight my soul"

We can always find comfort in prayer and in the bible.
God knows that we have anxiety. David said in Psalms 38:18 " For i confess my iniquity: I am full of anxiety..."

So for those who have anxiety, You aren't alone. Don't feel like you aren't a christian for having them. Just remember that God is better at being in control of our lives than we are so Give it to God.


  1. Thank you for sharing, I love you you don't share just the good stuff in your life, you're real, everyone has struggles and you're not afraid to share them!

  2. Thank you for sharing, I love you you don't share just the good stuff in your life, you're real, everyone has struggles and you're not afraid to share them!

  3. I’m so glad that you enjoyed that. I’m hoping to do more post about of my struggles in my life and how I handle them biblical but also show how I fail.

    Is there a certain post of my life that you would want me to write about?


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