Weekend Trip

This past weekend, We went away for our early one year anniversary. We went to the UP, Canada, Mackinaw Island and to a friend's house. We have a blast! We had four full days which was such a blessing, since Nick has changed jobs this year.

I didn't work on Friday but Nick did. So I was able to load the car, take the dogs to my parents and be already to leave when Nick got home. Nick ended up working late so we didn't leave until 8pm. Which was 2 hours behind what we wanted.

We got to St. Ignace around 4 am. By time, we got into the room and unloaded, it was 4:30. I have this sweet spot at 5 am that I'm instantly awake. So as soon as i laid down, I wasn't tired anymore. But i did fall asleep but around 8ish, I woke up starving.. Thankfully our hotel had a Continental breakfast. After breakfast, i went back to the room and took a bath in the Jacuzzi tub that we had in the room.
Nick woke up and then we went out to explore St Ignace. I had been there multiple times before but Nick had never been. We went to Castle rock. It was super foggy so we weren't able to see the lake but it was still really cool! We went to a few stores and ate lunch at my favorite pizza place. Then we tried to find a fishing spot. I had promised Nick that on Saturday He could fish. We found a few spots but the gnats were so bad. It made me understand the plagues in Egypt. lol.
After fishing, we went back to the hotel and watched a movie. After the movie, we went out to eat. One of my favorite restaurants in St Ignace, is the Gangplank.  They have amazing food.
After supper, we were going to go to more shops but changed our bed and went back to the hotel. We were both tired and just wanted to rest

On Sunday, we woke early and took the 9:30 Am Ferry to Mackinaw Island. It was the ferry that went under the bridge and it was cold! lol After the ferry ride and we arrived at the island, we took a carriage ride (which was awesome!!) There was two carriage rides. One was drawn by two horses and took you through the town and to Surrey Hill. At Surrey Hill, you get off the ride. They have food, A Museum and Wings of Mackinaw. Wings of Mackinaw is the butterfly place and it was amazing!!!! Nick took lots of pictures and it was amazing to see all those butterflies. After the wings of Mackinaw, it was a short walk to the grand hotel stable. It was amazing to see all the old carriages that they have there. They're still in good condition too.
After Surrey hill, We boarded a 3 horse drawn carriage, and went to Arch rock. At Arch rock,we had 7 mins to take pictures. I had seen the arch rock from below, but it was amazing to see it from the top and to see it with Nick. After Arch rock, they dropped us off and we walked down the hill to go eat lunch. We waited 45 mins for our food but it was amazing. After Lunch, we went to the fort.
We didn't spend a whole lot of time at the fort but it was still amazing.
After the fort, we went into some shops on our way back to the ferry. We both got some fudge and sweatshirts.
On Monday, We woke early and went to Canada!! I love canada. We went fishing and the gnats were still really bad. But we had a blast.
Tuesday morning we woke up, loaded the car and drove to my friends house. She had just had a baby a few weeks ago. I loved visiting with her for a few hours and it was amazing!!
Then we drove the 8 hours home. We got to my parents to pick up the dogs at 10 pm and got home and in bed by midnight lol. It was a long weekend but wonderful.

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