Life is like Candy Land

Have you ever played the game Candy Land? For a while growing up that was the only game my youngest sister wanted to play. As the older sister, I ended up playing it a lot. We would start the game and I would wish for the peppermint stick card or the purple card or something that would make this game go faster, Or the lollipop Woods or something. The faster the game was over, the better.

Sound familiar? My sister would be wishing for each color because she wanted the game to last longer while I was wishing for it to be over.

So many times in life we are wishing for things Without living in the present.

When we are 14, we are wishing for our permit.
When we are 16, wishing for our license.
When we are 17, Our first Job.
When we are 18, to graduate
When we are 21, to drink.

The list goes on and on. To move out, to buy a house, to date, to get married, to have a kid, etc....

Pretty soon if we aren't careful, it would be like Candy land. We'll be to the last tile of our board and we'll be wishing the game to never end. This is very important as we never know when our last day will be.

Often with this wishing, our life away comes with unhappiness with the present.

We sit here and go " I don't like this about my life" but often times we daydream of what the future will look like without starting the work. You don't just wake up one day to this wonderful life. You have to put the work into this life to get it. You have to serve God to reap the benefits.

Matthew 6:11 " Give us this day our daily bread". Not next weeks, or years. But Daily Bread. God wants to care for us daily. We aren't supposed to sit there and wish away our lives. But to serve God where we are and to enjoy each and every day.

Life will change. Faster than you know it.
I have memories that feel like yesterday and they are almost 10 years old. I feel like my longest years were in high school when really they were very short.

Enjoy each day. and Don't wish the game away.

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