Covid Week??/ Memorial Day Weekend

I have actually lost track of how many weeks we have been in quarantine but the light at the tunnel keeps getting closer.

Nothing really exciting happened these last couple of weeks.

Today the Gym opened for the first time and I was there at 8:30! Let's make this a habit shall we? It felt so good to work out. I only did 30 mins but that's cause I knew we would be kayaking. I was also worried about overdoing it today. When you haven't been to the gym since February, You go back slowly!

For the last couple of months, I've been working with Luna to get her comfortable in the kayak. She doesn't like it and refused to get near it in the garage. But today I convinced Nick to go with me to a nearby lake and to test it out. Sometimes she's better once doing it. She did a lot better than I thought she would. She wouldn't lay down but she didn't tip us! She learned the "Boat Up" command and the "Stay in". She loved to jump in a swim but I would have preferred if she would have stayed in the kayak. She doesn't always listen to the command "Come" so I was worried that she would run off and bother other people. With Nick on the shore, she just ran to him.

After this morning with Luna, We went kayaking with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. The trip that we did, normally takes 2-4 hours, took us 1 1/2 hours. That was also with us stopping twice to swim, cause it's 90 degrees in Indiana. The water was high and moving fast so that helped us. Overall it was a wonderful trip. Right after we got out, Nick informed us that he left the RAV's keys in the other car (Which was at the start.) So my sister-in-law called a friend to come to pick them up. Right after she made this phone call, It started raining! It only rained for 45 mins and it wasn't bad. Sister-in-law came back with her truck and the keys. We loaded up and came home. I was hoping that we could do another trip because of how fast it took us but we decided not to.

It was a great Memorial Day. Lots of fun. Different than last year. But really fun..

I'm hoping to be able to take Luna out more on the kayak so that she will relax and maybe go to Canada with us

" As we express our gratitude, we must never forget the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them" JFK

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