Week 11


How far along? 11 Weeks and 1 day, technically 

Total weight gain/loss: I’ve lost 12 pounds since the day I found out I was pregnant. 15 since the beginning of my pregnancy.  Maternity clothes? Yes because I don’t like tight stuff on or around my stomach and the jeans I have were given to me for free. 

Stretch marks? Nope, hoping never?

Sleep: horrible. My migraines don’t help that 

Best moment this week: I’m starting to show Miss Anything? I miss eating whatever I want, going to the gym and feeling good. My mimigraines and nausea have pretty much taken control of my life 

Movement: nope but I’m excited for the day I do    Food cravings: peaches and orange juice

Anything making you queasy or sick: everything. But my husband loves Doritos and his breath after makes me so sick 

Have you started to show yet: I think so :) 

Gender: we did the sneak peak at home gender reveal at 8 weeks but we aren’t announcing untilAfter we have an ultrasound confirming. Im sure positive the gender is correct. Only a handful of people know 

Labor Signs: no 

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On if I remember. Week 9/10 they were hurting my fingers. I don’t normally wear my bands at home and since I work from home 90% of the time, I hardly wear them. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: umm... neither.  Ive been pretty miserable with my mimigraines. 

Looking forward to: first doctors appointment next week, then feeling baby move and ultrasound/gender reveal party in December 

Pregnancy Update - Week 11

 Good Morning All!

I'm 11 weeks pregnant. I'm feeling better this week with the nausea but man.. Pregnancy has been rough. 

I've had a migraine every day since the middle of September, so going on almost a month. Because of this my Doctor has recommended that I see a neurologist so I have an appointment scheduled for November 10th. But when you're in horrible pain every day, It's so hard to wait. 

Another thing I've been having is nausea. I normally have a tough stomach and rarely throw up. But I've been super nauseous and with that has come some weight loss. Which the doctor said was ok, as long as i was monitoring it. So i weight myself a couple of times a week on my home scale just so i have an idea of if i'm gaining or losing. I also try to eat if i don't feel too bad. 

That brings me to the other problem. Nothing sounds good and if it doesn't sound good, then it probably won't settle in my stomach well. The one food that I've been eating a ton of is fresh peaches. My baby is going to come out wanting a peach! lol 

I'm going to start doing weekly belly bump updates once I start feeling a little better. But I'm super excited for the little baby that's growing and can't wait till May

Comment below if you have any suggestions to help my migraines

We're having a baby!

 We're so excited to share with you that we are having a baby! We're 9 weeks and so excited.

I can't believe it. I took a test early on a Friday morning not expecting it to be positive. Nick had already left for work and when the 3 mins were up, I saw a light line. I texted Nick and told him "I think there's a second line." I also send 2 of my friends the picture and asked if they saw the line too.

That afternoon, I took another test and the line was darker. I think I took a test every day for the first week. 

Because I had a miscarriage last fall, I wanted to be proactive with this pregnancy. I call my Ob that Monday morning when I was 4 weeks. I asked if they would do blood work and early ultrasound since I did have a miscarriage. The nurse told me of course. Anything to help my anxiety. I went for blood work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday the first week. The next week was labor day so I only went Tuesday and Thursday. I went to get my HCG tested until it was over 7000. Which it was by the end of week 5. 

At week 7, We had our first ultrasound. That was really cool. We were able to see the baby and see Baby's heartbeat. We weren't able to hear it but she said that was normal and everything looked fine. After the ultrasound, we decided to announce to our extended family. We had already told our parents and siblings.  After we mailed the pictures to our extended family, we waited a few days and then announced on Facebook at 8 weeks. :)

Overall every day I'm doing better with anxiety and giving everything to the Lord. A phrase that I repeat to myself often is "Remember what is true." 

Pregnancy has been hard since about week 6. I've had a constant migraine and feel miserable from that. Then I have all day nausea with or without throwing up, depends on the day. I also haven't been sleeping well, which I'm not sure if that's from my migraines or baby.

My Migraines have been so bad that I've decided its time to see a neurologist about them. I'm very miserable. I see the neurologist on November 10th. I'm hoping and praying that they will be able to do something to help me or else it's going to be a long few months. 

We're very excited about meeting our baby and we can't wait for May

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