Week 16


Welcome back all!! I haven’t forgotten you. I’ve just been very sick with nausea and migraines. But I pulled out my tripod so I wouldn’t have to wait for my husband so hopefully I’ll do more of these. I’m starting to show now so it should be getting fun. 

We did some blood work at week 13. Basically it was to see if I was a carrier or if something is wrong with baby. Along with that it also checked to see what baby’s blood type and gender was. My blood type is A- so I knew that there’s a chance if baby is RH positive that I would have to have the shot. We think nick is A+. The result came back that baby is 96% RH positive which means I have to have the shot. It also said the gender but we aren’t telling anyone until December 12 which is when we are going to have our gender reveal party. 

With covid, we’ve had to make a few changes since the first time planning it but it will be fun anyways. We’re hoping to tell everyone the gender and the name! 😍😍 I’m like super super excited to tell people what our little baby is going to be named. 
Anyways. Here is week 16 update. 

How far along? 16 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss: loss total of 10 pounds since my last period.  

Maternity clothes? Yes. While I can still fit into most of my shirts, my jeans are too tight for comfort. I’ve also been getting some stitch fix boxes that are all maternity clothes and I love them! I’m taking advantage of the cost of maternity clothes and wearing them 

Stretch marks? Not that I’ve noticed. 

Sleep: um. Most days fine. But I’ve been having awful upper back/shoulder pain so I want to lay on my back so I’m trying to force myself to sleep on my side. I’m a Tosser so just cause I go to sleep on my right right means I won’t wake up in the same position. Always have been this way. Ask all the people I have black eyes too 

Best moment this week: today. I’ve been mostly migraine free except for about 2 hours. I’ve had more energy and less nausea.  

Miss Anything? Alcohol lol I’m a person that would have an alcoholic drink maybe 3-5 Times a year but in the last 2 weeks I’ve been craving some sweet alcoholic drink lol 

Movement: I’ve thought I’ve felt baby but I think it was just gas lol  

Food cravings: peaches, little ceasers crazy bread, salads. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: shrimp which makes me sad. Most fish. Any fast food 

Have you started to show yet: I think I look like I’ve started the holiday eating early. But those who know me know it’s baby 

Gender:  we know but aren’t telling yet 😘

Labor Signs: nope. And hopefully not for a long time 

Belly Button in or out? Still in but starting to look weird 

Wedding rings on or off? On when I remember 

Happy or Moody most of the time:  both lol with my migraines I get frustrated cause I don’t feel good but I’m very happy to be growing this baby 

Looking forward to: Telling family what we’re having, announcing name and hopefully celebrating Christmas with family. 

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