39 Weeks


How far along? 39 weeks. I honestly didn’t think I’d make it this far. My mom went earlier with all of us kids and I’ve been having contractions for weeks. 

Total weight gain/loss: +3.8 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  171.8

I forgot to check my weight this morning. ðŸ˜‚ 

Maternity clothes?  All the time but some of them are starting to get uncomfortable 

Stretch marks? All over my belly 

Sleep: I actually slept pretty good last night. Except our smoke alarm went off at 1:45am due to dying batteries but then I didn’t wake again until 8am 

Best moment this week: well on Thursday I thought my water broke lol turns out that another pregnancy symptom is lots of discharge. Another good moment was nick and I had a couple of last date moments. We went to the celery bog on Friday night and then prophetstown on Sunday, which we walked for 3 hours.  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back and just having my body back

Movement: tons lol 😂  

Food cravings: BLT sandwiches and corn on the cob 

Anything making you queasy or sick: if I get too hungry, I just really nauseous 

Have you started to show yet: duh 🙄 

Gender: girl

Labor Signs: I’ve been having some contractions and I think she might have dropped but nope 

Belly Button in or out?  Depends on how she’s laying 

Wedding rings on or off? Lately off. My hands have been so swollen lately 

Happy or Moody most of the time:  most of the time happy but I’m so emotional that I haven’t gone into labor yet 

Looking forward to: labor and holding my baby 

Migraine: 5 out of 7. They’ve been pretty painful. 

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