38 weeks


How far along? 38 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +3.8 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  171.8

Supposedly they said you lose weight before you go into labor so maybe this means baby this week? Lol 😂 

Maternity clothes? All the time. Except I’m starting to run out of clothes that I “want” to wear lol. Most of my maternity clothes is winter clothing and lately I’ve been so hot that I’ve tried to fit back into my pre-pregnancy summer clothes. Some of my shorts fit lol and some of my shirts kinda fit. But I look like a busted can of biscuits when I do that. 

Stretch marks? Yes.  Tons on my belly and I’ve stopped looking at myself naked in the full lengthmirror 

Sleep: haha 😆 I have some good nights and then I have like 4 bad nights in a row lol 

Best moment this week: if you want to call it best, the whole day of false labor I had on Friday. Lol it made me excited and yet very disappointed.  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back and alcohol. Lol 

Movement: she’s changed her schedule in the last week. She’s now really active between 8am-1pm and then she moves some but not a lot until she’s active again between 7pm-11pm and then she’s generally quiet all night unless I’m having contractions. Lol 😂 Food cravings: biscuits and gravy and shaved ice lol 

Anything making you queasy or sick: almost everything gives me heartburn and nausea comes with the heartburn 

Have you started to show yet: duh lol I feel like the dress I wore today(which I haven’t worn my whole pregnancy) makes my bump look 3 times as big as normal lol 😂 

Gender:  girl

Labor Signs: I have a couple of contractions every single day but Friday I had contractions 5-8 mins apart for 12 hours but they weren’t stronger than period cramps and then they went away 

Belly Button in or out? Both. It’s not as stuck out as it was but it’s also not an inny 

Wedding rings on or off? Haha I’ve been forgetting to put them on 

Happy or Moody most of the time:  moody 

Looking forward to: labor and seeing my baby 

Migraine: 4 days of migraines. Right now they’re about every other day which is easy to manage 
https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1oakw5tvLCW_QdUve1fQibERTbI990-EFMy nails are done so she can come lol https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1RH8gGck9zdLlRuZzxRzDJVrfkyPmoOHWI got a pedi and some acupuncture this week to try to start labor https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1JXh0kJYfGZb0cfhrmH1ImYyBjQ4uwm3V
My favorite shaved ice place opened this weekend and I had to go get some. My favorite flavors is pina colada and strawberry. 

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