37 weeks!

Today is a day that I’ve looked forward to getting to for a while! We are term! She can come any time and be fine!  Today we have a midwife appointment. But to this point, every other appointment has been a telehealth appointment but starting today the rest will be all in person appointments and they’re weekly. I’m also going to have my iron retested today and they will test me for GBS. I’m a little concerned about the GBS because of an unrelated issue I had 6 years ago. 


How far along? 37 week

Total weight gain/loss: +5.8 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  173.8 

Maternity clothes? All the time. But I’m getting tired of wearing the same shirts over and over again lol 

Stretch marks? Tons on my belly. 

Sleep: horrible lol my hips and tailbone aren’t helping 

Best moment this week: getting to 37 weeks! Lol 😂 now I can have contractions and not worry that she’s coming  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back 

Movement: little less this past week. I still have a little movement at the top of my belly but mostly I just feel her butt  

Food cravings: I honestly haven’t noticed my food cravings this week. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I still get nauseous every once in a while but overall it’s been better 

Have you started to show yet: duh 

Gender: girl

Labor Signs: I had lots of contractions Saturday night. They were about every 8-9 mins apart lasting 45 seconds. They lasted from 11pm to 5 am but never got closer or worse pain

Belly Button in or out? Honestly depends on how she’s laying. Right now. In 

Wedding rings on or off? On 

Happy or Moody most of the time: both? Lol I have mood swings a lot 

Looking forward to: labor lol I know this sounds crazy but I’m honestly so ready for her to be here. I just want to hold and kiss and see my baby 

Migraine: something I’ve learned with migraines. You get a good week and then a bad week. I had 6 out of 7 days with a migraine 

In other news, my wonderful friends threw me a little baby shower on Saturday. It’s just a blessing to be friends with all of them and to feel so loved. 

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