
I have always liked workout. About 3 years ago, I got my first gym membership. It was to the fitness center at ivy tech and i think i workout like 10 times that whole semester. 
2 Years ago, I walked through a very depressing time and i turned to work outing. But I wasn't eating a whole lot so i dropped a lot of weight too fast and changed my mind about workout out. 
Last summer, I got a gym pass for the gym in my home town, and i tried to work out at least 2-3 times a week. But i would always stop after 3 weeks or so and i was on repeat. 
When i bought my house and moved out, I knew that i wanted to eat and live a little healthier. So I started walking the dogs every night, and just trying to make healthier foods.

On May 1st, My Boss offered all of us employees a Health Challenge. There's multiple challenges with multiple rewards. and at the end of the year, we all get a check.. For being healthy. 

It was great. So awesome. We're almost half way through and I'm so excited.

While I don't have a lot of weight to lose, I did want to lose 5-7 lbs and just be healthier.

I don't really need much motivation anymore to workout. I really do enjoy it.
I've been biking and it's a great way to relax and focus on things. 
When i started, I could barely go 1 mile, now an easy day is 3 1/2 miles and i would rather do 6-8 miles every day. 

This is my life now. It's not a health challenge, It's a Health Choice.

I fell in love with taking care of my body.

Life with you is enjoyable

Yesterday I celebrated 18 months dating my best friend. It feels just like yesterday that I first saw him and here's it's been 18 months.
I can hardly remember a time before he was my best friend and I don't want to. lol

I'm looking forward to what the future holds. We've been talking about getting married sometime in the next year... and I'm going to be honest... I don't know if i'm going to share that little information on here or on social media. Not cause I don't want to celebrate with you all, I just have some people in my life that i don't want to show up to my wedding lol.. Anyways.. No engaged yet lol

Nick started school today and so that makes us both College students. Juggling our school work, Work hours, and then come January tax season... One day at a time lol I stress myself out

I've been thinking about what Life was like 2 years ago. I went through the worst emotional days I've ever gone through. I remember arguing with God, telling him that I wanted what i couldn't have and God wasn't being fair., I wish i could tell myself that Nick is sooo much better than that guy i wanted. Nick is far better than anything i could have ever imagined. Life has changed so much in 2 years and i can't wait to see what happens next...

The "Fun" of leaving home

So it's been two weeks since I closed on my house. Lots of things have happened. We painted, and painted, and bought a washer/dryer, painted, fixed some plumbing issues.

Years ago, when i first started dreaming about moving out, I pictured it as I'd have everything packed up and we'd rent a trailer. Everything would get move in 1 day. I wouldn't be living at my place until everything was there. I would stand on my sidewalk, hug my parents and wave goodbye as they drove away.

And as life goes, that didn't go as planned. lol

3 Days after I closed, My brother and I, with a friend from church, moved my free couches into my place. Even though there was still rooms to paint, We moved those in. That night, I stayed there for the first time.

Then I got the flu. lol Life happens

I slowed brought boxes in. Filled my car up each time i came to work. Then Last Saturday, I bought the washer and dryer. When i got home, my dad called me and said that mom and him were going to be loading up everything i had packed at home, and bringing it to my house.

There wasn't a huge goodbye, there wasn't hugs, there wasn't even a see you later.

And i like it that way.

Yes I'm started to miss my family. It really hasn't hit me yet that I've moved out. It feels like i'm house-sitting. Since I've house sat for 3 weeks before, It hasn't hit me yet.

I miss my siblings more than i thought i would and i'm actually looking forward to Sunday to spend with them.

A big step for the new year!

It's been 39  days since the beginning of the new year and a lot has happened.

I won't bore you with all the little details. But I will tell you about a big detail.

I decided to buy a house!

Isn't that crazy?
I put an offer in one last night and i'm waiting to hear back from them! It's so exciting!
and later this month, Nick and i will be celebrating a year dating!

This year is looking great!

I have started a new blog.... For my sister!!

My sister has recently got one of her books published and I'm trying to help her sell as many books as i can! so by doing this, I've decided she needs a blog so i created her one :)

go check it out and while you're at it, You could also buy her book for just $10.99!!

Blog here

Book here

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
So much has happened and it's only 3 days into 2017!

Christmas was so busy! I spend plenty of time with Family and Nick's family.

This Christmas was the first Christmas that I didn't work at the bakery. Which was a blessing and a disappointment. It was a blessing to have a "Normal" Christmas. It wasn't filled with super long hours, and early alarms. But it was disappointing cause I loved working the Christmas season at the bakery.

a sad Christmas.. My Cousin has been gone a year. It was kinda sad to realize that it's been a year.

The weekend before Christmas, We had freezing rain and i was also supposed to house sit for a friend.  I was able to get to her house but that Sunday morning, the road didn't look good so i didn't go to church but by the afternoon, the roads had been cleared so i was able to go to the candlelight service.

Then the Tuesday before Christmas, Sandra left and I went to stay at her house, which i love!!!!! I've been there 2 weeks today and i already know i'm going to struggled going back home when Sandra gets back.

That same week that Sandra first left, We moved into the second office of Fisher and Associates in Lafayette. It's awesome to be here, working back in Lafayette, and to feel like i actually have a desk to call my own. :)

This week starts Tax season hours.. Oh boy!! That's 7am-7pm. oh boy oh boy... Today is the second day and even though i used to do it at the bakery, this is going to take a moment to get used to it.
Working at the bakery was so easy. All i did was throw my hair into a bun, wear a t-shirt and skirt and tennis shoes. Here at Fisher's, I need to do my makeup and my hair, and wear nice clothes. lol I'm still trying to get used to doing my hair quickly lol. Learning process. such a learning process

Wanna to read a big hit?