Our Wedding Day

As I’m writing this, it’s the day of our 2nd anniversary. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 2 years. It feels like yesterday and at the same time, that it’s always been.  I'm going to go rather quickly through our wedding day.

The day before our wedding day was really stressful and the reason it was stressful was that I wanted to be in control. In the end, it worked out beautifully but I wish I could go back and change my attitude that day. 

On the morning of our wedding, Nick came to my house to pick me up. I think it was like 6:30 or 7. I don’t remember. Then we drove out to my mom and dads since that’s where I would be getting ready. 

When we got there, Nick and the groomsmen left to go get ready at the barn. My friend did my hair and then I did my makeup. My little cousins put my veil on me. (I have the cutest pictures from this.) then my cousin (who was my wedding planner for the day), the photographer, and I left for the barn. We went to go get first look pictures with my dad and nick. 

We took pictures at the barn and then we moved to the ceremony location which was my then boss’ house. And we took more pictures there. 

The whole time I was worried that it was going to rain but it didn’t! It was hot though. 

The ceremony was wonderful. Few things I would change. 1) practice lifting the veil 2) make sure everyone knows where the groom is at and 3) make sure someone picks up grandma two hours before the ceremony. 

After the ceremony, it started to rain so most people left for the barn. We stayed behind to get some video with the  Videographer. Some things I would change here 1) make sure you and your husband talk about cars 2) make sure you have cars and keys and 3) enjoy being married for 15 mins and 4) bring lots of water to an Indiana June wedding. 

Once we made it to our Reception, the real party started. Our reception was amazing and so much fun. We ate tacos, we danced our hearts out. Unplanned our reception lasted 2 hours longer than we had originally planned and that's because our get-away car got a flat tire. But it was so worth the 2 hours of more dancing and hanging out with family.

In the end, our wedding day was amazing and perfect. There are things I would change but the memory is great. 

At the end of the day, I married my best friend and that's really all that mattered that day.

Fun Facts about our wedding
1) My Grandma got lost on the way to the ceremony
2) We almost got left at our wedding ceremony
3) The Groom's and Groomsmen shirts got lost the morning of
4) It was so hot
5) Right as we said our vows, a horse across the pond neighed!


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