Quarantine Week 3

How is everyone handling this quarantine? Is your house cleaner? Is the laundry done? Maybe you're working out more? or you're pulling your hair out trying to stay on top of e-learning?

We are at the end of week 3 and my life really hasn't changed a whole lot. I've worked from home the last six months so that's not really any different. A few things have changed. Before this, I didn't really grocery shop for longer than three or four days at a time. Because I live less than 1 mile from the grocery store, I would just run there whenever I needed anything. Now I'm trying to prepare a shopping list that would last us at least 10 days. It looks like I did a good job because we're at 10 days now and we still have food! 

Another thing that has changed is that I'm now working out at home instead of the gym. This has been surprisingly enjoyable. 3 years ago, My old job did a fitness program and I lost a good amount of weight. But then that program ended and I got engaged. I love nick, but he would rather eat out. After we got married, I got on birth control and we weren't eating healthy. I gained about 45 pounds in 18 months. So over a year ago, I decided to start working out again. I really do like working out because it helps with my anxiety. I started working out at home for 3 months and I couldn't stick with it, so I got a gym membership at the beginning of 2019. I didn't stay as committed as I wanted to but after I became self-employed i was pretty good about going 2-3 times a week. Since working out at home, I've worked about 4 days a week since quarantine started! I was telling my friend earlier this week that I actually really like this home workout and I'm thinking about quitting my gym membership. Honestly, I need the gym to get the motivation to do it at home. I've hit more of my fitness goals in the last 3 weeks working out at home then I did working out at the gym for the year. 

Another perk is that I've been able to stay on top of my laundry but I've been baking more so my dishes have gone downhill. But I've found the best bread recipe. Last week I made cookies, blueberry coffee cake, bread, rolls and I tried to make hamburger buns (Don't ask. these didn't turn out at all.) 

I've also been able to spend a lot more time studying my bible. I still have bible study homework to do and BSF homework to do but I'm staying more caught up. 

One of the verses that I've read in a book, saw on Facebook and read in my devotion lately, So I know that the Lord wanted me to see it so that it would stick in my head. 

Psalm 91:5 "You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day."

I thought I'd leave you with a quote I saw on Pinterest.

"The Fear of the unknown is so powerful, it convinces us to stay in the misery of our current situation simply because we already know it." Tory Eletto

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