Quarantine Week 4

I still haven't learned how to spell quarantine. Spell check on my computer and Grammarly on my web browser is throwing tons of fits at me.

I had meant to upload some pictures with this post but my phone cord is in the other room and I'm not taking unnecessary steps today lol.

This week started by me getting the idea to finally paint my kitchen. I've lived here for 3 years and I've wanted to paint it every single day that I've lived here.

The walls, trim and ceiling were painted this beige/tan color ( I can't tell the difference between these two colors.) The floor is the light fake wood floating floor so everything in my kitchen was the same color. When I moved in 3 years ago, I had always wanted dark kitchen cabinets. So one of the first big DIY I did was paint my kitchen cabinets (Which at the beginning matched the floor color). I painted them this really pretty dark chocolate color which I liked until I hung the doors back up 3 years ago, and then I hated it. It made the kitchen look so dark.

For the last year, I've wanted to repaint the cabinets, paint the walls and the ceiling. But I've just never gotten around to it. Well... this was the week that I did it.

So back in January, I took this beautiful kitchen rug into Home depot and they matched the color in the rug. SO last week I went and got the paint, and got started.

I painted the cabinets white, the trim white and the walls this pretty color called "Sophisticated Teal"

And like all projects, it takes double as long. My goal was to be done in 3 days but I started on Monday and here it is Friday and I still have 2 walls of crown molding, 2 walls of trim and 1 window to paint white. I also have a small section of wall to finish with the teal and I still have all the cabinet doors to finish (I hate doors.)

It's going to take me a few more... days..weeks.months?? I can live without my cabinet doors so I'm working on getting the kitchen usable again and everything out of my living room. Then I will focus on the doors. But Man... I love this new color. It really makes this house feel like mine. I've wanted this kitchen painted for so long and now it is. I just want to go sit in my kitchen on the floor and stare at how beautiful the walls look. Eventually, I will get around to painting the ceiling white and it will make a load of difference.

I didn't just paint this week. On Monday, I went on a 3-mile bike ride and I about killed myself. Monday afternoon, I worked in the backyard. I scooped dog poop, mowed, pulled out the garden hose and tried to plan on what vegetables I'm thinking of planting. Tuesday I spent the whole day outside between sanding the cabinet doors and painting the kitchen. Wednesday, I painted all day. Except for when I let the dogs out and when I took breaks. Thursday, I didn't do anything in the morning because I had a migraine but it went away by the afternoon and I was able to tape and paint again. The only thing exciting that happened on Thursday was I had to run to Lowe's and Nick's grandparents live between my house and lowes. I called his grandma and told her that I was going to ding dong ditch them. I then had to explain what that means. But we were able to wave at each other and to see each other's smiles.

Today I worked. I worked a little on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, First thing in the morning. But today I pulled a 9-hour shift. Which probably doesn't sound like much but I've been self-employed for almost a year, I never work longer than 5-6 shifts at a time. So I got home and painted again. Then I called my cousin and after the phone call, I worked for another hour or so. Then I decided it was time to write this.

That folks, Was my week 4 in Quarantine. Since I'm self-employed, I don't feel like it's affected me a whole bunch. I don't normally go anywhere anyways but I'm started to see other people's boredness and it's started to create some of my own.

I'm looking forward to finishing my kitchen next week. Actually getting housework done and maybe, since it's going to be cold, maybe I will get my sewing machine out and sew.

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