19 weeks


How far along? 19 weeks. Almost halfway there! I’m so excited. Since my mom went early with all of hers and I take migraine medicine, there’s a good change baby girl will come between April 20 and May 10th lol 

Total weight gain/loss: I’m at 157. Which is 11 pounds for my orginal pre-baby weight of 168.  

Maternity clothes? Yes. All the time. They are more comfortable. 

Stretch marks? Only on my butt lol 😂 

Sleep: horrible. My legs hurt all the time. I really want to sleep on my back. 

Best moment this week: 3 migraine free days!  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back. 

Movement: not yet. Soon very soon  

Food cravings: I’m still craving peaches. I was really craving pizza last week and popcorn puffs. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: most food lol 😂 I still have lots of nausea most days and have to be careful what I’m eating or drinking 

Have you started to show yet: yes. It’s a small bump but she’s there 

Gender: it’s a girl!!! I’m so excited. 

Labor Signs: nope. Hopefully not for a long time 

Belly Button in or out? It’s becoming more of an outie than in 

Wedding rings on or off? Haha I forget to wear them most days. 🤷‍♀️

Happy or Moody most of the time:  moody. I’ve had a lot of mood swings 

Looking forward to: we have our anatomy next week and Christmas!! I’m also flying to see my cousins in January and we are going to go do a 3D ultrasound which I’m super excited about. I’m excited about everything. 

I’m really happy to be having a little girl and I can’t wait to meet Della. 

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