How far along? 20 weeks baby! My mom had all of her babies 6 weeks early and due to my migraine medicine, I’ll probably go between 37-40 weeks so I might have less than 20 to go!
Total weight gain/loss: no idea. I haven’t weighted myself since last Monday. With it being Christmas and because I have self esteem issues I have over the years never weighted myself before/after Christmas
Maternity clothes? All the time.
Stretch marks? Not that I can see. Lol
Sleep: getting better except I really want to lay on my back.
Best moment this week: Christmas! Lol we had our first Christmas family dinner on Saturday.
Miss Anything? Laying on my back to sleep
Movement: no. Today we found out that I have an anterior placenta so it might be a few weeks until I really have kicks.
Food cravings: this week I was craving corn dogs and stuffed crust pizza one day but I don’t really have anything that I’ve been craving.
Anything making you queasy or sick: just about everything makes me nauseous but no more throwing up
Have you started to show yet: yes :)
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: nope!
Belly Button in or out? Both? Lol
Wedding rings on or off? On if I remember
Happy or Moody most of the time: moody
Looking forward to: feeling her kick and her getting bigger until she’s finally here
Here’s some fun pictures for this week...I bought this shirt back in July before I was even pregnant and I prayed that I would be able to wear it over Christmas. It’s a super comfortable shirt.
Pictures from our ultrasound. Her profile and baby feet, with her ankles crossed.
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