Virgina Trip/3D ultrasound Pictures

 On Thursday, January 14th, Mom, Emma and I flew from Midway to Norfolk, probably for the last time as Charity will be moving at some point this year.

Since it's Covid, the Girls do virtual learning so they are at home. Thursday I felt like we were so distracting to the girls so Friday, Mom, Emma, and I went shopping while the girls were doing school.  

Over the weekend, We were able to hang out with Charity and Chey more. We went to an all you can eat sushi place and it was the best!

I was excited to go and tell the girls the gender of our baby since they didn't know yet. Here's the video of them finding out. Here 

After they found out, a couple of days later we went to a 3D ultrasound to see Della. She kinda looks like me and kinda looks like her dad. She has my family's nose and Nick's upper lip. She loves her hands up by her face and she was sucking her thumb during the ultrasound. 

Enjoy these pictures. Since I flew home on Monday and was crazy busy the rest of the week, I forgot to take 24-week belly bump pictures so you'll have to wait for an update on Monday 

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