34 weeks


How far along? 34 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss: +3 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  171 

Maternity clothes? All the time. Anything too tight makes my belly hurt and baby move lol 

Stretch marks? Yes. I didn’t want any but they’re there. 

Sleep: horrible lol 😂 I’d rather be up with a baby and be able to sleep on my back. 

Best moment this week: just feeling her move over and over. We also got maternity pictures done  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back. 

Movement: she’s very active between noon and 3pm. Again between 7:30pm and 10pm. And again between 1am-4am lol 😂  

Food cravings: today I’m craving BLT sandwiches and pulled pork sandwiches. On Saturday I was craving ribs and corn on the cob. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: it’s a hit or miss some days. 

Have you started to show yet: yea lol 

Gender: girl 

Labor Signs: I’ve been having either Braxton Hicks or light contractions. 

Belly Button in or out? Out 

Wedding rings on or off? On when I remember 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I feel like I’ve been better this week. Less moody lol 

Looking forward to: her being here. 

Migraine: as of right now only 3 out of 7 days with a migraine. Which is really good. It depends on if I get one today or not https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Kqe9kHJAU5n1EUKUsXPf-4mA9SmTDWfJhttps://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1xK31EZl6o6VQOQG1rShhszhxb3CdkrUehttps://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1LybU7vOlV1oGt44pMcrGiyOsG4U3AOdi

33 weeks

https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1XUyHDUPsIOysO6DOxNneKWpQvzqSPesbHow far along? 33 weeks and 1 day technically 

Total weight gain/loss: +3 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  171  I’ve lost weight this week. Which is weird but at the same time, my appetite has dropped off the face of the planet. I’m never hungry. 

Maternity clothes? All the time. If clothes are too tight, my belly itches like insanely crazy. 

Stretch marks?  Yes lol 😂 I was hoping I wouldn’t have any but I’m getting them on my lower belly and around my belly button. Mostly where my belly itches the most. So I’ve been trying to use more lotion to help the itching 

Sleep: haha what sleep? I’m pretty much always up between 2am and 4 am. If I lived alone, I would be cleaning my house during those hours but since I don’t, I spend most of it reading a book, playing the switch or watching tiktoks 

Best moment this week: she’s been really moving this week and my baby shower was everything I was hoping it would be.  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back. My upper back and hips always hurt. I’m also missing going to the gym and seeing my toes. 

Movement: all the time. But she’s already being a pest. She’ll be moving a lot and I’d yell for nick to come. He comes and the moment he places his hand on my belly, she stops. And then the moment he moves his hand, she kicks. The only time he’s really able to feel her is at night. Lately she hasn’t liked it when I lay on my left side.  

Food cravings: none. I’m hardly hungry anymore. 

Anything making you queasy or sick:  the thought of eating food. 

Have you started to show yet: I think you can answer this one 

Gender:  girl. Even though my buy buy baby registry says boy, I can’t get it the change. I even called customer service and they still couldn’t get it to change 

Labor Signs: I’ve been having a lot of Braxton Hicks. Mostly at night or right before bed 

Belly Button in or out? Today it’s out 

Wedding rings on or off? Today they are off. 

Happy or Moody most of the time:  I feel happy but I also know I’ve been very moody 

Looking forward to: her to be here lol 😂 

Migraine:  4 out of 7 days. Getting much better. I didn’t have one the day of my shower which was a praise. 

Here’s a few pictures from the shower. I’m going to do a whole post on this but for now....



32 Weeks


How far along? 32 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +5 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  173

Maternity clothes? Yes. I prefer them over my regular clothes. They’re so comfortable. Although I am missing my pre-pregnancy jeans 

Stretch marks? Yes. Near my belly button 

Sleep: not good. I’ve said this before but if I’m going to be awake in the middle of the night, I’d rather be holding a baby 

Best moment this week: nesting has made me be a cleaning monster. So I’m enjoying a clean house  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back. This is getting rough. I find myself dreaming about sleeping on my back. 

Movement: lots but not all the time. When she’s active, she’s active. Like my whole belly moves. There’s not in between. It’s either very active or not at all  

Food cravings: I’ve gotten back into not craving anything. And being a little more queasy than normal. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I’ve been getting fairly nauseous lately. I was actually worried I was going to throw up this morning 

Have you started to show yet: yes. I’ve gotten a lot bigger in just two weeks

Gender: girl!

Labor Signs: nope. But Braxton Hicks are getting more common 

Belly Button in or out? It honestly depends on the day but 80% of the time it’s out. And it hurts when it’s out 

Wedding rings on or off? On if I remember to put them on lol 

Happy or Moody most of the time: moody

Looking forward to: baby shower. Seeing family and friends that I haven’t seen in a while due to covid. I’m also really looking forward to packing our birth center bags 

Migraine: 4 out of 7. Getting much better. 

31 Weeks


How far along? 31 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +4.4 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  172.4

Maternity clothes? All the time

Stretch marks? Some yes.  Mostly under my belly button and on my sides 

Sleep: it’s been getting better. Last night I only woke twice to pee 

Best moment this week: feeling her move more and passing my glucose test 

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back

Movement: all the time. She has moments when she’s really active  

Food cravings: long John silvers 

Anything making you queasy or sick:  I still get nauseous at random moments but I haven’t thrown up in a while 

Have you started to show yet: yes 

Gender:  girl

Labor Signs: none. I haven’t had Braxton Hicks since 26 weeks but I’m preparing myself to start feeling them sooner 

Belly Button in or out? Depends on how she’s laying 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: still moody

Looking forward to: her being here lol 😂 my baby shower is next week and I’m excited to celebrate the end of pregnancy 

Migraine: 5 days out of 7. Getting better 

30 weeks

https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1yFlMybx8zswX88X-rAAAs3O6liH3vA9cToday I had a midwife appointment in person in Indy. So I made a day of it and went to the cutco store to get my knives sharpened. I bought them almost 8 years ago and they’ve never been sharpened 🤦🏼‍♀️. After that I went to my appointment. Today was a big day. I had to do my glucose test and get the rhogram shot since my blood type is A-. We did a test in November that showed that Rosadella’s blood type was A+ which means Nick is something that is positive. Neither was as bad as people made them out to be. The glucose drink I had was the orange one and it tasted like Sunkist without the carbonation. The hardest part was that it was cold. I hate cold drinks so it was really hard for me to drink all of it cause it was so cold. The shot felt like touching nettles. It wasn’t bad at all. They also took blood for labs but I’m pretty certain everything will show up fine. Rosadella is head down and I’m measuring 31 weeks in size which they said was normal. I feel like my belly really grew this week. I was shocked when I compared today’s picture to last weeks. 

Hopefully we have less than 10 weeks before we meet her. Ever since I got pregnant, I feel really strongly that she’ll be here April 21. So we’ll see! 

Here’s this weeks pregnant update 

How far along? 

Total weight gain/loss: +3.8 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  171.8

Maternity clothes? All the time 

Stretch marks? I’ve been noticing some on my belly 

Sleep: horrible. Nothing helps. 

Best moment this week: feeling her kick and listening to her heartbeat  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back. Actually sleeping 

Movement: very active between 10pm and 4am  

Food cravings: hamburger, ice cream and smoothies (none of which I’ve had cause I’ve been sick) 

Anything making you queasy or sick: not really. 

Have you started to show yet: yes 

Gender: girl!

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? Depends on how she’s laying 

Wedding rings on or off? On 

Happy or Moody most of the time: moody 

Looking forward to: her getting here lol if I have to be up at night, I’d rather be up with a baby. I’m also looking forward to warmer weather. I also can’t wait until this are baby updates not bump updates 

Migraine: 6 migraines out of 7 days. Not horrible. I had strep so I felt worse than I actually was 

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