32 Weeks


How far along? 32 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +5 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  173

Maternity clothes? Yes. I prefer them over my regular clothes. They’re so comfortable. Although I am missing my pre-pregnancy jeans 

Stretch marks? Yes. Near my belly button 

Sleep: not good. I’ve said this before but if I’m going to be awake in the middle of the night, I’d rather be holding a baby 

Best moment this week: nesting has made me be a cleaning monster. So I’m enjoying a clean house  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back. This is getting rough. I find myself dreaming about sleeping on my back. 

Movement: lots but not all the time. When she’s active, she’s active. Like my whole belly moves. There’s not in between. It’s either very active or not at all  

Food cravings: I’ve gotten back into not craving anything. And being a little more queasy than normal. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I’ve been getting fairly nauseous lately. I was actually worried I was going to throw up this morning 

Have you started to show yet: yes. I’ve gotten a lot bigger in just two weeks

Gender: girl!

Labor Signs: nope. But Braxton Hicks are getting more common 

Belly Button in or out? It honestly depends on the day but 80% of the time it’s out. And it hurts when it’s out 

Wedding rings on or off? On if I remember to put them on lol 

Happy or Moody most of the time: moody

Looking forward to: baby shower. Seeing family and friends that I haven’t seen in a while due to covid. I’m also really looking forward to packing our birth center bags 

Migraine: 4 out of 7. Getting much better. 

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