38 weeks


How far along? 38 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +3.8 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  171.8

Supposedly they said you lose weight before you go into labor so maybe this means baby this week? Lol 😂 

Maternity clothes? All the time. Except I’m starting to run out of clothes that I “want” to wear lol. Most of my maternity clothes is winter clothing and lately I’ve been so hot that I’ve tried to fit back into my pre-pregnancy summer clothes. Some of my shorts fit lol and some of my shirts kinda fit. But I look like a busted can of biscuits when I do that. 

Stretch marks? Yes.  Tons on my belly and I’ve stopped looking at myself naked in the full lengthmirror 

Sleep: haha 😆 I have some good nights and then I have like 4 bad nights in a row lol 

Best moment this week: if you want to call it best, the whole day of false labor I had on Friday. Lol it made me excited and yet very disappointed.  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back and alcohol. Lol 

Movement: she’s changed her schedule in the last week. She’s now really active between 8am-1pm and then she moves some but not a lot until she’s active again between 7pm-11pm and then she’s generally quiet all night unless I’m having contractions. Lol 😂 Food cravings: biscuits and gravy and shaved ice lol 

Anything making you queasy or sick: almost everything gives me heartburn and nausea comes with the heartburn 

Have you started to show yet: duh lol I feel like the dress I wore today(which I haven’t worn my whole pregnancy) makes my bump look 3 times as big as normal lol 😂 

Gender:  girl

Labor Signs: I have a couple of contractions every single day but Friday I had contractions 5-8 mins apart for 12 hours but they weren’t stronger than period cramps and then they went away 

Belly Button in or out? Both. It’s not as stuck out as it was but it’s also not an inny 

Wedding rings on or off? Haha I’ve been forgetting to put them on 

Happy or Moody most of the time:  moody 

Looking forward to: labor and seeing my baby 

Migraine: 4 days of migraines. Right now they’re about every other day which is easy to manage 
https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1oakw5tvLCW_QdUve1fQibERTbI990-EFMy nails are done so she can come lol https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1RH8gGck9zdLlRuZzxRzDJVrfkyPmoOHWI got a pedi and some acupuncture this week to try to start labor https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1JXh0kJYfGZb0cfhrmH1ImYyBjQ4uwm3V
My favorite shaved ice place opened this weekend and I had to go get some. My favorite flavors is pina colada and strawberry. 

37 weeks!

Today is a day that I’ve looked forward to getting to for a while! We are term! She can come any time and be fine!  Today we have a midwife appointment. But to this point, every other appointment has been a telehealth appointment but starting today the rest will be all in person appointments and they’re weekly. I’m also going to have my iron retested today and they will test me for GBS. I’m a little concerned about the GBS because of an unrelated issue I had 6 years ago. 


How far along? 37 week

Total weight gain/loss: +5.8 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  173.8 

Maternity clothes? All the time. But I’m getting tired of wearing the same shirts over and over again lol 

Stretch marks? Tons on my belly. 

Sleep: horrible lol my hips and tailbone aren’t helping 

Best moment this week: getting to 37 weeks! Lol 😂 now I can have contractions and not worry that she’s coming  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back 

Movement: little less this past week. I still have a little movement at the top of my belly but mostly I just feel her butt  

Food cravings: I honestly haven’t noticed my food cravings this week. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I still get nauseous every once in a while but overall it’s been better 

Have you started to show yet: duh 

Gender: girl

Labor Signs: I had lots of contractions Saturday night. They were about every 8-9 mins apart lasting 45 seconds. They lasted from 11pm to 5 am but never got closer or worse pain

Belly Button in or out? Honestly depends on how she’s laying. Right now. In 

Wedding rings on or off? On 

Happy or Moody most of the time: both? Lol I have mood swings a lot 

Looking forward to: labor lol I know this sounds crazy but I’m honestly so ready for her to be here. I just want to hold and kiss and see my baby 

Migraine: something I’ve learned with migraines. You get a good week and then a bad week. I had 6 out of 7 days with a migraine 

In other news, my wonderful friends threw me a little baby shower on Saturday. It’s just a blessing to be friends with all of them and to feel so loved. 

Packing the birth center bags

Tomorrow I will be 37 weeks pregnant and over the last couple of days I’ve had a lot of contractions. I’ve actually had the bags packed for a while but I finally put the finishing items in the bag today.  I thought I’d share what I packed and my goal is to update this after birth to what I actually used, what I didn’t and what I wish I had. 

I feel like I’ve packed a lot of items and at the same time, I don’t feel like I’ve packed enough. So if you read this and think of something I really need, please comment. 

We do come home 4-6 hours after birth so I don’t need a ton of items. 

Bathroom bag. 
The bathroom bag was the first on my list. I packed new travel toothbrushes for both nick and I. I packed toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I also packed some face wash and face towelettes, in case I don’t want to stand and wash my face. I’m packing dry shampoo, and spray deodorant. Since I’ve struggled with heartburn my entire pregnancy, I’m also packing two types of tums but I’m hoping that I won’t have to use them when in labor. I’ve heard that your hands and lips can dry out really bad during labor so I packed 2 types of chapsticks and my favorite hand lotion. I’m also someone who likes to use essential oils sometimes. So I packed a few that I can add to my water either during labor or after. I also brought some that I can hold and smell or put in a wash cloth. 

Next up: my bag 
I chose a birth center so that hopefully I can deliver in the tub. So I’m packing 2 types of tops to wear in the tub. I got this bikini top that is a halter so once baby is born, I can quickly undo the top and place baby on my chest but it’s also a deep v neck so I don’t have to completely undo it if I don’t want to. The second top that I’m bring is the most amazing sleep bras I’ve ever bought. I bought a pack of 2 at kohl’s and I absolutely love them. They are nursing sleep bras. They’re made from a Jersey knit fabric and they’re so comfortable. If I don’t wear it during labor or in the tub, I will probably end up wearing it home. I might go back to kohl’s and get more before I go into labor. 
Next up is my labor help. I wasn’t sure what to really call these. I bought these labor cards off of Amazon and nick and I went through them the other day and they look like they will be so helpful. I’m also bring this rice pack. I decided to bring this rice pack instead of my favorite one just in case 1) it gets dirty or 2) it just left behind. I’m also bring headphones and a speaker(which isn’t pictures due to charging) for music. I’m not normally a big music person when I’m in pain or having a migraine but I’d rather pack them and not need them than want them. Not pictured is my iPad that had different positions and labor help on it as a pdf. 
I bought 2 labor gowns that have multiple snaps and such so they will work while in labor and/if we have to transfer to the hospital. I’m bring 2. Hopefully to wear 1 while in labor and wear 1 after labor but before we go home. 
Going home outfit.  It’s April here in Indiana and you never know what the weather is going to be like. The other week it was 76 degrees every day, this last week it was 50 something every day  and this coming week they say it’s going to snow lol 😂 so I’m packing my favorite pj pants, a nursing bra, a nursing/maternity tank top and a long sleeve shirt. If it’s warm, I’ll just wear the tank top and if it’s really cold, I’ll wear the long sleeve shirt and make Nick start the car before we leave lol 
Extras:  I’m packing a pair of socks, slippers, depends, headband, letter board, first stuffed animal for Della that her daddy brought (I’m hoping to put this out in the room for a visual when in labor) and a gown that matches a swaddle. Not pictured that is also packed is our phone chargers, iPad chargers, my makeup bag (in case I want to put some makeup on) and a wet sack that I’m bringing for whatever clothes I use in the tub or shower. I’m also ordering a small Battery Fan so I’ll pack that when it gets here. I’d also like to bring my pillow if I remember to grab it. 

Next bag: Rosadella’s bag 
Her car seat. The base is already installed and it was the easiest base I’ve ever installed. I’m bring 2 receiving blankets. One of these has a special meaning to me cause it was the blanket I used on my baby dolls as a child. So I’m excited to be able to use it for my own baby. Next I packed some diapers. I packed both newborn and size 1 along with some wipes. I packed her llama lovie and a cute headband that I bought. I’m also bringing a car seat cover in case it’s cold and we want to cover her car seat. The final item pictures is the matching swaddle and hat to my robe. Not pictured is her coming home outfit. I’m bring both a newborn and 0-3 month. But I want to save those for her announcement picture. Also if I can get it finished, I will pack her blanket that I’ve crocheted this entire pregnancy. 

Last bag: Nick’s 
He might throw more things into the bag when it’s time. But for right now, he has a sweatshirt, 1 pair of shorts, 1 pair of athletic shorts, 1 tshirt, 1 tank top, 1 pair of socks, and swimming trunks. He probably won’t, but I wanted to be able to have the option for him to get into the tub or shower with me at the center which is why I’m bring his swimming trunks. Also pictured is his deodorant that I forgot to pack in the bathroom bag. 

We also have packed a snack bag  with a ton of snacks. Probably way more than we need lol but we want to be prepared. 

The final list of items that we will grab before we leave is..
1. Our nice camera 
2. Our meds. Nick has daily meds and I have daily meds. 
3. Extra mask for nick. I have these by our front door. 
4. My pillow 
5. Some type of freezer meal that I’ll eat after birth. I’m hoping to make single serving lasagna that I can keep in the freezer to grab before we leave. But we also have sandwiches stuff on hand that we’ll grab if I haven’t made anything. 
6. These seem stupid to put on a list but I want to make sure we don’t forget. But my phone, my iPad, and Nick’s phone
7. Both wallets 
8. Hannah’s water bottle 

Let me know if there’s anything you think I’ve forgotten and what I shouldn’t be packing 

But based on the amount of contractions that I had last night, I’m hoping she comes soon

Maternity Pictures

 We got our maternity pictures back today and I'm so excited to share them with you! They're all so good so it was hard to pick my favorites. 

In just a few short weeks or days even, We'll go from a family of 2 to a family of 4. It's hard to believe that 3 years ago around this time we were getting our engagement pictures done and now we're getting maternity! 

36 weeks!


How far along? 36 weeks! 1 month left!!really hoping she comes soon

Total weight gain/loss: +4.6 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  174?

Not sure cause my scales batteries died and I forgot to grab more at the store 

Maternity clothes? All the time lol 😂 basically the only thing comfortable 

Stretch marks? Yes. They’re bad. My stomach is almost always uncomfortably itchy. I’ll attach a picture. If anyone has any recommendations, I’d love to hear them https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1WSd3ubLFMB8BGxqp2gxs0QHjQGEsiZqB

Sleep: these last few nights have been a little better. I’ve still been struggling to fall asleep and still have to wake and pee a couple of times a night. I’ve been struggling with some intense hip pain, inner thigh pain, groin pain and tailbone pain. It’s really bad when I’m laying down and then try to get it. I tried to “be a mermaid” when I get up but it hurts so bad sometimes I feel like my legs won’t support me. The only relief I’ve found is a warm bath and hip squeezes 

Best moment this week: realizing I was having contractions and getting 1 step closer to baby. We’re clear for her to come at 37 weeks so 1 more week until then  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back. Not hurting all the time. Not having hip pain. And maybe cause I’m self conscious not having stretch marks. I personally think they’re really bad. 

Movement: tons. Except for when I’m waiting on her to move or when I’m anxious, then she’s stubborn like her dad.  

Food cravings: BLT sandwiches. Last week a deli sandwich sounded amazing. Smoothies fromSmoothie king 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I still get nauseous sometimes but thankfully it’s not related to a certain food

Have you started to show yet: duh 

Gender: girl

Labor Signs: lots of contractions, hips hurting and just more pressure down there. 

Belly Button in or out? It’s in right now but it also depends on how she is laying 

Wedding rings on or off? On lately 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I feel happy but I’m also more moody cause I want things done a certain way. 

Looking forward to: I’m actually kinda excited for labor. Weird right? I think the reason is because when in labor, I know I’ll be holding her soon. I feel really impatient lately. Like I really want her to come. I joked with my husband at the beginning of pregnancy that I would do anything for a birth center birth. This week with my hips hurting the way they are, I told Nick if it meant that I would hold her in a few hours and my hips would feel better, I would totally do a hospital birth. 

Migraine: I think this was the best week yet. I had 3 days out of 7 days that I had a migraine!
I’m so ready for her to be here. A little sad cause I know I’ll blink and she’ll be grown. One of these weeks I’ll post my last bump update without realizing it. And that will be sad. 

Interesting Day Pregnant

 This whole week hasn't gone as planned but today definitely didn't go as planned. 

Last night I was carrying a laundry basket from the kitchen to the laundry room and our laundry room is so tiny, I ended up running into the corner of the wall. Because of how I was holding the basket, my belly took most of the hit and hurt afterward. For about 2 hours afterward, I was having contractions that were more painful than normal. My anxiety spiked and I was worried since I had hit my belly. She moved most of the night but she "stopped" moved around 7am this morning. I had a semi-busy morning so I didn't notice until around noon. Once I realized I hadn't felt her move, I drank some OJ, Bounced on the ball, ate some food, and then I laid on my left side in bed, hoping and praying that she'd move. After an hour, I still hadn't felt her move so I called the midwives. They recommended that I come in and get monitored. So I did. I'm thankful that we have doctors that take you seriously.

I drove to indy and once there got hooked up to the monitors. One was a contraction monitor and the other was a heartbeat. The nurse had asked if I thought I was having contractions and I told her that I had had "tightening" 1 time on the way down there. Baby's heartbeat was amazing but what was more shocking was that the monitors showed that I was having contractions every 4 mins. I'm only 35 weeks and 2 days and while I wish she'd come right now, I know she needs to wait a few more days.

Since I'm going to a birth center, I need to be 37 weeks before I go into labor to be able to go there. So the midwives recommended drinking lots of water, watching how active I am, and resting. The midwife joked that on April 19th if I wanted to go out and walk, that I'd probably have a baby later that day but to rest until then so she cooks a little longer.

Everything looked ok with the monitoring so they said it was just a false alarm but I'm really glad they took me seriously even though it was nothing. 

I'm so ready for her to be here in my arms but I know she needs to wait a few more days. So thankful that today was nothing more than a false alarm.


35 Weeks

Ya’ll I’m done being pregnant. This past week has been rough and I’m struggling. 

How far along? 

Total weight gain/loss: +4.6 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  172.6

Maternity clothes? Yes 

Stretch marks? Yes. They’re getting pretty bad and I try not to look in the mirror. 

Sleep: haha. What’s that? I sleep but I don’t think I sleep. Pretty sure I become a zombie and just lay there all night. 

Best moment this week: I had some real contractions. Which is kinda exciting. We got a sneak peek picture of our maternity shoot. I got her part of the room set up more. And I packed her birth center bag. And I’m one week closer to holding my baby.  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back. Actually feeling rested and alcohol 

Movement: she loves to press her butt up against the top of my belly. I like to make her mad and press on her butt every time  

Food cravings: I was really hungry for rice and meatballs the other day. Blt sandwiches and little ceasers crazy bread 

Anything making you queasy or sick: it’s a hit and miss but definitely getting better 

Have you started to show yet: duh 

Gender: girl

Labor Signs: I did have some contractions but since She needs to wait at least 2 week, I’ve been careful about not over doing it 

Belly Button in or out? Out

Wedding rings on or off? Off cause I don’t remember to put them on 

Happy or Moody most of the time: moody. I’m just uncomfortable 

Looking forward to: holding her. 

Migraine: 5 out of 7. 
Here’s some extra pictures https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1sWO54qK6lr580VEafAp0jPUuVP3lDgjSTechnically 4 generations in this picture. :) https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1QMT0-SRk4jt7mzT5osx2AoV2SPLM_yFAEaster Sunday with my family. https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1bbUpTpbkmJJqmOm6h6E_6_m8ULOKIAq0Sneek Peak at our maternity pictureshttps://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1xT2B5-k2Lgl6Snca2tPy_n4s8KiAvDj_https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1liP8nTCgkT4rmc5WSKSaefv6RiX6BJmJ
Husband is making me some BLT sandwiches 

Wanna to read a big hit?