Postpartum Journey

 I want to start with a disclaimer. I'm really interested in postpartum because I couldn't find anything like this when I was pregnant and this was the information I was looking for. With that in mind, My body is amazing and your body is amazing. Just cause this is how my body is handling postpartum doesn't mean how your body handles postpartum is wrong. We're all beautiful. But I wanted to help answer some of those questions I had while pregnant and to show my postpartum story.

Some Stats here

The day I found out I was pregnant, I weighed 168

The day I went into labor I weighted 178

The total weight gained was 10 pounds

At 12 hours postpartum, I weighed 162.2 which was a total loss of 15.8. Considering that I had a 7 pound 12 oz baby along with everything else you lose during labor. I thought this was pretty good.

At 24 hours postpartum, I weighted 161.6. Total loss of 16.4

At 72 hours postpartum, I weighted 160.2. Total Loss of 17.8

At 6 days postpartum, I weighted 154.4 at home and 151 at my 1-week checkup. So we're going to go with my at-home weight. Total Loss of  23.6

At 1 week Postpartum, I weighed 153.8.  Total loss of 24.2 

At 10 days postpartum, I weighted 151.6. Total loss of 26.4

At 14 days postpartum, I weighted 150.6. Total lost of 27.4 pounds. 

At 1 month postpartum, i weighted 151. Total loss of 27 pounds. 

I’ve pretty much stayed the same weight. I’m 2 months post postpartum and I weight 153. I’m not watching what I eat and I haven’t started working out. 

Overall I feel really good. 

My hormones and emotions are amazing. I haven't felt like this in years. I honestly feel really good. 

I haven't had a migraine since the day before labor. There's really no way to explain how horrible I felt while pregnant so I'm so glad that I feel so amazing. 

It also helps that I didn't tear at all. 

Here’s some pictures of me over the last few months.

Here I am 2 weeks postpartum and I can fit into jeans and shorts that I haven’t been able to wear in 3 years. One of the biggest struggles I’ve had, I feel bad even calling it a struggle, is that I don’t have a lot of shirts that work with my boobs since I’m breastfeeding and/or work to breastfeed in. I have a few maternity shirts that I bought days before I went into labor that aren’t stretched so I’ve been able to wear them but it’s so hard to find nursing clothes 

I can fit into shorts that are a size 8 which is a size smaller than I was before pregnancy. I can also fit into some jeans that I haven’t been able to wear in 2 years. 

Rosadella- 1 month

She’s 1 month old! Time flies by so fast 

She’s such an amazing baby. She sleeps pretty good at night and during the day. When she’s awake, she’s wide awake!

She had dark hair and wide blue eyes. She loves to cuddle. In the mornings she loves to look around. 

She’s started to like the swing. Still likes the snuggle me just not as mush as she first did. She gets frustrated with the car seat, can’t move her head as much. Started to take the pacifier from other people, still only takes 2 of the many that we bought. She likes to suck her thump if given the chance. She falls right to sleep once swaddle at night. Loves blankets during the day. 

She eats roughly every 2 hours. Sometimes she likes to eat every 1 hour and 15mins. At night most of the time she goes more Iike 3 hours between feeds. She’s slept a 5 hour straight at night before. She eats on 1 side normally. We’re hoping to try a bottle soon and hopign she’ll take it lol 😂 

She’s still in most newborn clothes with some 0-3 months fitting. We have a ton of clothes so I’m coming to terms with her not wearing certain ones or her only wear a certain outfit once. She can still fit into her coming home sleeper but it’s getting tight. 

She doesn’t really like baths. We tried one in the kitchen sink and she liked that better than in the tub. 

Funny thing that happened: mommy changed her diaper at 4:45am and forgot to put one back on. Didn’t realize until 7am lol 

She went to church for the first time this past Sunday. 
She’s already been to another state and the zoo.

Rosadella - Week 2

I thought week 1 was busy but this week was busy too and at the same time a little slower than last week 
On Saturday, my cousins came down from Wisconsin and met Della 
On Sunday we went to the lake. Della and I just stayed in the shade all day. 
Nick went back to work on Monday and he’s on call so he worked more this week than normal. 

On Tuesday we went to visit a bunch of friends. We saw Sandra and her parents. We also went to my old job to see my old co-workers. 

The rest of the week we just spent at home enjoying the snuggles and cuddles. 
Next week I’m going to start slowly going back to work 

On Friday, Della and I drove to meet up with some friends in South Haven. I’ve never been and it’s such a cute town. We had a great first night and now she’s 2 weeks old. 
I can’t get pictures to post. I’ll try later 

Rosadella - Week 1

She’s a week old. (I know I’m posting this way after she turned 1 week old) 

This week was busy with meeting lots of family members. 

She also had her first doctors appointment, her first blood draw to check her bilirubin levels, her first chiropractor appointment and her first trip to IKEA. 

We had a great first week as a family of 3. 

She is already back to her birth weight at 1 week. She eats really good and sleeps like a champ! 

I can’t wait to see how she continues growing and at the same time, I want her to stay small

My 16 hour Natural Labor

 Birth Story Time! 

I've loved reading birth stories for years and I really loved reading them after I got pregnant as a way to prepare for labor. So if you aren't a birth story person, or you don't want to hear any interesting details... This blog isn't for you.

Short Story: Woke up at 2:30am, got to the birth center at 9:30am, and had a baby at 6:19pm

Longer story: 

Starting at about week 35/36, I would have hours of contractions only for them to just stop. At 37 weeks 4 days, I had a day that I worked at a clients all day and had contractions all day about 7 mins apart. I thought for sure that that was the start of labor but then the contractions stopped. A week later at the same clients, the same thing happened again, I was there for about an hour and contractions started and lasted all day long. I was started to get super uncomfortable. 

Wednesday (5/5) before birth, I had a midwife appointment in Indy. I had just told nick the day before that I was started to get depressed because I wasn't in labor and was very uncomfortable. That Wednesday morning I woke up and for sure though, she dropped. My pelvic bone and hips hurt so bad. I mentioned to the midwife this and she thought she had dropped too. She told me that she didn't think she'd see me at my next appointment but she could wrong. I talked to my midwife about being depressed. I was feeling really crappy. 

Thursday(5/6) I really didn't feel good. I felt like I was getting sick. I went grocery shopping and shopping for mother's day cards. I really wanted Della here in time for mother's day but everyone was acting like I was going to go over and it made me so disappointed. 

Friday (5/7) I went to my clients again and again my contractions started. They felt a little stronger but I 100% thought it was just false labor. I came home from work and really felt crappy. I decided that I was done timing contractions. There was a surprise birthday party for a friend of mine that night and even though I was having contractions and felt crappy, I decided to go in hopes that it would take my mind off my contractions. I went and I had fun but my contractions never stopped. In fact, they started getting closer. Still thinking they're just false labor, I went home and decided to walk on the treadmill. I could only make it 20 mins before the contractions made me have to stop. At this point, I hadn't even told nick that I was having strong contractions. Mostly cause I had been having contractions mostly every day for weeks and I was so disappointed. I went to bed thinking that I would wake up tomorrow with no contractions and no baby.

At 2:30am, I woke up to use the bathroom, and walking the 15 steps to the bathroom, I had 3 strong contractions where I couldn't walk through them. After using the restroom, I tried to go back to sleep but I was still having contractions. I finally decided to start timing them because I felt different than I had before. Laying there in the bed for about 45 mins timing them before I got up and moved to the chair. After moving to the chair, I kept timing them until 4am.

 At 4am, I called the on-call midwife. She told me that it did indeed sound like I was at the start of labor. My contractions at the moment were every 2-2 1/2 mins apart lasting 45-60 seconds. so good contractions. the midwife told me to drink a big glass of water and to eat something. Then she said after I did that, to go take a bath or shower. Then try to sleep. To call back in a few hours if something changes or my water breaks. 

Word to the wise: be careful what you eat. Cause you might throw it up later. lol People told me this. and I still didn't listen. I ate a package of trail mix and a newton bar. I would then later throw them up. 

My contractions never stopped or slowed down. At 5am, I got out of the tub and tried to sleep on our loveseat. Eventually, I moved to the floor so that I could stretch out. I dozed between contractions from 6am-7am. I woke at 7am with a very strong need to poop. After using the restroom, I noticed that I lost my mucus plug. At that moment, I went to wake nick. I wanted him to wake so I pulled the blanket off of him. I scared him to death. I laid next to him for a few contractions and then he got up to take a shower. After his shower, while he fed the dogs, I called the midwife again. By this point, I couldn't talk through contractions and I really felt a ton of pressure on my cervix. She told me to go ahead and come in and get checked.

Nick loaded the car with all our bags and her car seat. Then we left. I asked Nick to not tell anyone that I was in labor. I didn't want anyone to know. I liked the idea of surprising everyone once she was born.  I'm pretty sure Nick went 100 the whole way there. I was still having contractions and really wasn't paying attention. But I felt like I blinked and we were there. 

We walked into the center and I got checked. I was 4 centimeters and 100% effaced. Angela the midwife, told us that we could go ahead and stay or we could go walking somewhere. Due to the pelvic pain, I didn't want to go walking. I asked if I could shower. She said yes but not to get into the tub until she said so. 

I got in the shower and it really helped with the pain. After a while, I got out and tried laboring on the bed. Nick did some hip squeezes and they helped. I started getting nauseous and then threw up. I think around 11/11:30, Angela told me that I could get into the tub if I wanted to. After this, I lost track of time.

I labor in the tub for hours. It was painful. I started feeling like I couldn't do it. After a while, Angela called the on-call nurse to come in. It just happened to be my favorite nurse Meg. Meg did a really good job helping me cause after she came, it got really painful. Honestly, at that moment, I remember thinking this is like how Jesus felt on the cross when God left him. I really felt like I couldn't do it and that why was I so stupid for not getting the pain meds. But I didn't want to transfer because I wanted to come home that night. I didn't want pain meds but during a contraction, I couldn't imagine continuing the pain. 

Things are super foggy but they go like this...

I finally got out of the tub and moved to the shower. After a while in the shower, I moved back to the tub. Then I was back to the shower. Meg told me let's check to see if you are truly 10, So I moved to the bed so angela could check me. Angela told me that I was 9.5. They said if I sat on the toilet, I could probably have a baby. I tried. They said to try it for 5 contractions. I made it through 1 and then I got back in the shower. After a while, Nick told me to try the toilet again. I did and boy oh boy. the pain got so bad. At some point, I felt a ton of pressure. I decided to try and walk back to the shower. It was all I could do to walk. I felt so much pressure. I must have said something to nick or the midwife cause the next thing I knew they were like "she's coming. You're so close."

I squatted in the shower and then I moved to all 4s to push but I just couldn't. I felt like I was going to blackout. So they told me lets move to the bed and you lay on your side. Nick either held my hand or my leg. I felt like I pushed forever but I think it was only 20 mins. The biggest thing was they would tell me to push when I feel the contractions and rest when I don't. Breathe when you don't have contractions cause I really felt like I was going to pass out. But I stopped feeling the contractions. Like as soon as I had left the toilet, I didn't feel a single contraction. All I felt was huge pelvic pain and pressure. The worst part of pushing was the pelvic pain. It hurt so bad. 

She was born at 6:19pm. When her head came out so did her shoulders. She landed on the bed like a water balloon. They quickly passed her up to me. and it was the best moment ever! She didn't cry. She has hair and I couldn't imagine being more in love with Nick than at that moment. She was 10 mins old when we called everyone and told them. That was a lot of fun to shock all of them.

We didn't cut her cord for over 2 hours. Della and I were doing so well that at 9:30pm, they told us that we could head home around 10:30 instead of waiting until midnight. 

It was so nice we got home at midnight and life was been amazing since. I'll write a blog post about my postpartum. 

She’s here!

Rosadella May arrived 5/8/2021 at 6:19pm. She weighted 7pounds 12 oz and she’s 29 inches long. Her head was 14.25 inches! Lol labor lasted around 16 hours. I’ll write a birth story post sometime soon

39 Weeks

How far along? 39 weeks. I honestly didn’t think I’d make it this far. My mom went earlier with all of us kids and I’ve been having contractions for weeks. 

Total weight gain/loss: +3.8 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  171.8

I forgot to check my weight this morning. ðŸ˜‚ 

Maternity clothes?  All the time but some of them are starting to get uncomfortable 

Stretch marks? All over my belly 

Sleep: I actually slept pretty good last night. Except our smoke alarm went off at 1:45am due to dying batteries but then I didn’t wake again until 8am 

Best moment this week: well on Thursday I thought my water broke lol turns out that another pregnancy symptom is lots of discharge. Another good moment was nick and I had a couple of last date moments. We went to the celery bog on Friday night and then prophetstown on Sunday, which we walked for 3 hours.  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back and just having my body back

Movement: tons lol 😂  

Food cravings: BLT sandwiches and corn on the cob 

Anything making you queasy or sick: if I get too hungry, I just really nauseous 

Have you started to show yet: duh 🙄 

Gender: girl

Labor Signs: I’ve been having some contractions and I think she might have dropped but nope 

Belly Button in or out?  Depends on how she’s laying 

Wedding rings on or off? Lately off. My hands have been so swollen lately 

Happy or Moody most of the time:  most of the time happy but I’m so emotional that I haven’t gone into labor yet 

Looking forward to: labor and holding my baby 

Migraine: 5 out of 7. They’ve been pretty painful. 

38 weeks

How far along? 38 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +3.8 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  171.8

Supposedly they said you lose weight before you go into labor so maybe this means baby this week? Lol 😂 

Maternity clothes? All the time. Except I’m starting to run out of clothes that I “want” to wear lol. Most of my maternity clothes is winter clothing and lately I’ve been so hot that I’ve tried to fit back into my pre-pregnancy summer clothes. Some of my shorts fit lol and some of my shirts kinda fit. But I look like a busted can of biscuits when I do that. 

Stretch marks? Yes.  Tons on my belly and I’ve stopped looking at myself naked in the full lengthmirror 

Sleep: haha 😆 I have some good nights and then I have like 4 bad nights in a row lol 

Best moment this week: if you want to call it best, the whole day of false labor I had on Friday. Lol it made me excited and yet very disappointed.  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back and alcohol. Lol 

Movement: she’s changed her schedule in the last week. She’s now really active between 8am-1pm and then she moves some but not a lot until she’s active again between 7pm-11pm and then she’s generally quiet all night unless I’m having contractions. Lol 😂 Food cravings: biscuits and gravy and shaved ice lol 

Anything making you queasy or sick: almost everything gives me heartburn and nausea comes with the heartburn 

Have you started to show yet: duh lol I feel like the dress I wore today(which I haven’t worn my whole pregnancy) makes my bump look 3 times as big as normal lol 😂 

Gender:  girl

Labor Signs: I have a couple of contractions every single day but Friday I had contractions 5-8 mins apart for 12 hours but they weren’t stronger than period cramps and then they went away 

Belly Button in or out? Both. It’s not as stuck out as it was but it’s also not an inny 

Wedding rings on or off? Haha I’ve been forgetting to put them on 

Happy or Moody most of the time:  moody 

Looking forward to: labor and seeing my baby 

Migraine: 4 days of migraines. Right now they’re about every other day which is easy to manage nails are done so she can come lol got a pedi and some acupuncture this week to try to start labor
My favorite shaved ice place opened this weekend and I had to go get some. My favorite flavors is pina colada and strawberry. 

37 weeks!

Today is a day that I’ve looked forward to getting to for a while! We are term! She can come any time and be fine!  Today we have a midwife appointment. But to this point, every other appointment has been a telehealth appointment but starting today the rest will be all in person appointments and they’re weekly. I’m also going to have my iron retested today and they will test me for GBS. I’m a little concerned about the GBS because of an unrelated issue I had 6 years ago.

How far along? 37 week

Total weight gain/loss: +5.8 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  173.8 

Maternity clothes? All the time. But I’m getting tired of wearing the same shirts over and over again lol 

Stretch marks? Tons on my belly. 

Sleep: horrible lol my hips and tailbone aren’t helping 

Best moment this week: getting to 37 weeks! Lol 😂 now I can have contractions and not worry that she’s coming  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back 

Movement: little less this past week. I still have a little movement at the top of my belly but mostly I just feel her butt  

Food cravings: I honestly haven’t noticed my food cravings this week. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I still get nauseous every once in a while but overall it’s been better 

Have you started to show yet: duh 

Gender: girl

Labor Signs: I had lots of contractions Saturday night. They were about every 8-9 mins apart lasting 45 seconds. They lasted from 11pm to 5 am but never got closer or worse pain

Belly Button in or out? Honestly depends on how she’s laying. Right now. In 

Wedding rings on or off? On 

Happy or Moody most of the time: both? Lol I have mood swings a lot 

Looking forward to: labor lol I know this sounds crazy but I’m honestly so ready for her to be here. I just want to hold and kiss and see my baby 

Migraine: something I’ve learned with migraines. You get a good week and then a bad week. I had 6 out of 7 days with a migraine 

In other news, my wonderful friends threw me a little baby shower on Saturday. It’s just a blessing to be friends with all of them and to feel so loved.

Packing the birth center bags

Tomorrow I will be 37 weeks pregnant and over the last couple of days I’ve had a lot of contractions. I’ve actually had the bags packed for a while but I finally put the finishing items in the bag today.  I thought I’d share what I packed and my goal is to update this after birth to what I actually used, what I didn’t and what I wish I had. 

I feel like I’ve packed a lot of items and at the same time, I don’t feel like I’ve packed enough. So if you read this and think of something I really need, please comment. 

We do come home 4-6 hours after birth so I don’t need a ton of items. 

Bathroom bag.
The bathroom bag was the first on my list. I packed new travel toothbrushes for both nick and I. I packed toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I also packed some face wash and face towelettes, in case I don’t want to stand and wash my face. I’m packing dry shampoo, and spray deodorant. Since I’ve struggled with heartburn my entire pregnancy, I’m also packing two types of tums but I’m hoping that I won’t have to use them when in labor. I’ve heard that your hands and lips can dry out really bad during labor so I packed 2 types of chapsticks and my favorite hand lotion. I’m also someone who likes to use essential oils sometimes. So I packed a few that I can add to my water either during labor or after. I also brought some that I can hold and smell or put in a wash cloth. 

Next up: my bag
I chose a birth center so that hopefully I can deliver in the tub. So I’m packing 2 types of tops to wear in the tub. I got this bikini top that is a halter so once baby is born, I can quickly undo the top and place baby on my chest but it’s also a deep v neck so I don’t have to completely undo it if I don’t want to. The second top that I’m bring is the most amazing sleep bras I’ve ever bought. I bought a pack of 2 at kohl’s and I absolutely love them. They are nursing sleep bras. They’re made from a Jersey knit fabric and they’re so comfortable. If I don’t wear it during labor or in the tub, I will probably end up wearing it home. I might go back to kohl’s and get more before I go into labor.
Next up is my labor help. I wasn’t sure what to really call these. I bought these labor cards off of Amazon and nick and I went through them the other day and they look like they will be so helpful. I’m also bring this rice pack. I decided to bring this rice pack instead of my favorite one just in case 1) it gets dirty or 2) it just left behind. I’m also bring headphones and a speaker(which isn’t pictures due to charging) for music. I’m not normally a big music person when I’m in pain or having a migraine but I’d rather pack them and not need them than want them. Not pictured is my iPad that had different positions and labor help on it as a pdf.
I bought 2 labor gowns that have multiple snaps and such so they will work while in labor and/if we have to transfer to the hospital. I’m bring 2. Hopefully to wear 1 while in labor and wear 1 after labor but before we go home.
Going home outfit.  It’s April here in Indiana and you never know what the weather is going to be like. The other week it was 76 degrees every day, this last week it was 50 something every day  and this coming week they say it’s going to snow lol 😂 so I’m packing my favorite pj pants, a nursing bra, a nursing/maternity tank top and a long sleeve shirt. If it’s warm, I’ll just wear the tank top and if it’s really cold, I’ll wear the long sleeve shirt and make Nick start the car before we leave lol
Extras:  I’m packing a pair of socks, slippers, depends, headband, letter board, first stuffed animal for Della that her daddy brought (I’m hoping to put this out in the room for a visual when in labor) and a gown that matches a swaddle. Not pictured that is also packed is our phone chargers, iPad chargers, my makeup bag (in case I want to put some makeup on) and a wet sack that I’m bringing for whatever clothes I use in the tub or shower. I’m also ordering a small Battery Fan so I’ll pack that when it gets here. I’d also like to bring my pillow if I remember to grab it. 

Next bag: Rosadella’s bag
Her car seat. The base is already installed and it was the easiest base I’ve ever installed. I’m bring 2 receiving blankets. One of these has a special meaning to me cause it was the blanket I used on my baby dolls as a child. So I’m excited to be able to use it for my own baby. Next I packed some diapers. I packed both newborn and size 1 along with some wipes. I packed her llama lovie and a cute headband that I bought. I’m also bringing a car seat cover in case it’s cold and we want to cover her car seat. The final item pictures is the matching swaddle and hat to my robe. Not pictured is her coming home outfit. I’m bring both a newborn and 0-3 month. But I want to save those for her announcement picture. Also if I can get it finished, I will pack her blanket that I’ve crocheted this entire pregnancy. 

Last bag: Nick’s
He might throw more things into the bag when it’s time. But for right now, he has a sweatshirt, 1 pair of shorts, 1 pair of athletic shorts, 1 tshirt, 1 tank top, 1 pair of socks, and swimming trunks. He probably won’t, but I wanted to be able to have the option for him to get into the tub or shower with me at the center which is why I’m bring his swimming trunks. Also pictured is his deodorant that I forgot to pack in the bathroom bag. 

We also have packed a snack bag  with a ton of snacks. Probably way more than we need lol but we want to be prepared. 

The final list of items that we will grab before we leave is..
1. Our nice camera 
2. Our meds. Nick has daily meds and I have daily meds. 
3. Extra mask for nick. I have these by our front door. 
4. My pillow 
5. Some type of freezer meal that I’ll eat after birth. I’m hoping to make single serving lasagna that I can keep in the freezer to grab before we leave. But we also have sandwiches stuff on hand that we’ll grab if I haven’t made anything. 
6. These seem stupid to put on a list but I want to make sure we don’t forget. But my phone, my iPad, and Nick’s phone
7. Both wallets 
8. Hannah’s water bottle 

Let me know if there’s anything you think I’ve forgotten and what I shouldn’t be packing 

But based on the amount of contractions that I had last night, I’m hoping she comes soon

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