29 weeks


How far along? 29 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +3 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  171

Maternity clothes? All the time 

Stretch marks? Nick said that he saw some but I can’t see any lol

Sleep: this past week was bad. I’m exhausted. I go to bed and am in bed for 12 hours but I’m only sleeping for 5-7 hours of that at most. I’ve been waking about every 2 hours to pee and it takes me close to 30 mins to fall back asleep after I pee so yeah it’s been great 🙄 I had a full breakdown in the shower on Saturday because I was so tired. Nick thought it was hilarious 

Best moment this week: well she’s moving a ton now. I’m not sure what position she’s in but the kicks have been at the ton on my left side. I’m starting to think about hospital bag and what to pack. I’ve also started making/planning freezer meals for after baby.  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back and feeling rested when waking up 

Movement: tons. Mostly at the top on the left side.  

Food cravings: I really haven’t had any cravings this week. Like this sounds crazy but I’m hungry yet I’m not. I’m eating. Or at least trying to and I’m gaining weight but I’m not hungry 

Anything making you queasy or sick: my heartburn has been making me nauseous 

Have you started to show yet: yes 

Gender: girl 

Labor Signs: I had some Braxton Hicks the other day but I was doing something I shouldn’t have been doing 😬

Belly Button in or out? Depends on when you ask

Wedding rings on or off? My rings are back so they’re on!

Happy or Moody most of the time: moody. 

Looking forward to: I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday for the gestational diabetes. I’m not sure what to think about it. I really don’t think I have diabetes but I’m worried cause I don’t always eat healthy. This whole pregnancy has been mostly to eat what isn’t making me sick. But I’m looking forward to seeing if we’re on target for where we should be Migraines: I had about 1.5 days without a migraine. Saturday I went all day until 7pm without one and then I had a bad one for 24 hours. 

Things I didn't know about being pregnant

First-time mom, you get lots of new information throw at you. You can read all the books and blogs but there will still be new things that you just didn't know. Each pregnancy is different too so just cause it happened to me doesn't mean that it will happen to you.

1) There will be lots of things that you're told to register for and told not to. There are hundreds of baby items out there. There are both positive and negative views on every item. While my baby isn't here yet, I know there are some things that I registered for that in 6 months, I will be like "Why did we register for this?" and there's going to be some items that I didn't register for that I'm going to have to go out and buy lol.  Few rules I had when I first found out that I was pregnant
  • We live in a small house. So I researched and researched what is the bare min that a baby needs. What items can you make do without? etc.
  • I didn't let people talk me into putting something on my registry. I haven't had my shower yet but I tried to have my registry done 2 months before we sent out invitations. I also had 2 of my closest friends look over my registry to see if there was anything important that I missed. But I've had a few people message me since we mailed out baby shower invitations asking why we don't have this item or that item. Some even told me that I would regret not putting certain items on the registry. I took this advice and would look into why I would need it. If they made sense and pointed something out that I hadn't thought of, then I put it on the list but if I felt, we didn't need it, then I thanked them and moved on. Just because it worked for someone doesn't mean it would work for you. Example. we have 2 big dogs. Baby won't be laying on the floor or even at dog level because I'm worried they'd step on her. I saw those doorway bouncers and gave it some thought. The problem is I just don't trust my dogs to not run into her. I was told that I would regret not getting one and I might. But I'm trying to keep the safety of my child first and in my thoughts, I don't see how that would be safe with my dogs.    
  • There are lots of items out there that you don't need but are nice. There are lots of items out there that look nice but create more work lol
  • you have to store everything lol 
2) Your stomach muscles can be really tight. Your stomach skin can be really tight. These are hard to know the difference between. A rule of thumb for me is if it feels like my belly is tight then i put lotion on. lol, It's helped a lot. Also doing yoga or swimming has helped some if it's my stomach muscles that feel tight. 

3) Baby hicks- They aren't what I thought they'd feel like. I do have an anterior placenta so maybe that's why they feel like this but it's not what I imagined. First off, I didn't really feel kicks until after 22 weeks. I probably felt them before but I didn't realize what I was feeling. They aren't strong. They feel like someone has a feather and is running it up and down inside my belly. I have moments where I get a big kick but it mostly feels like feathers. I also thought that you'd be able to see kicks by looking at your belly and it will probably happen later on but hasn't happened yet. I also thought that other people would be able to feel hicks early on but Nick's only been able to feel her once. I'm expecting that to get more and more as we get further into the 3rd trimester. 

My goal is to keep updating this as my 3rd trimester goes on.

28 weeks! 3rd trimester


How far along? 28 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss: +0.2 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  168.2

I’m going to be real here. Weight is something mentally that I’ve struggled with over the last 4 years. I really should write a whole blog post on this but in 2017, my old job did a health challenge and the goal was to make us grow more health-conscious. Problem is that I started working out and watching what I ate, I lost weight But then it became this mental battle with eating or worrying about weight. I put on weight after getting marriage and it effected my mental health. Why am I sharing this? Because while I’m back at my “pre” pregnancy weight, I want to remind myself and others who are pregnant, that we are growing a baby. Which means I will continue gaining weight. We’re supposed to gain 30ish pounds or more while pregnant. That’s what baby needs. So if the scale bothers you, Don't weigh yourself. Don't stress or worry about it. There will be plenty of time after the baby to "lose" weight. But remember the goal is to have a healthy baby and a healthy momma. If you're worried about how much weight you're putting on, talk to your doctor. Let's be healthy. 

Maternity clothes? All the time lol they’re really the only thing comfortable anymore. Sometimes I wear some of nicks sweatpants

Stretch marks? None that I can see 

Sleep: it’s been ok. I wake up around 4 times a night to pee. And I feel like I’m always exhausted 

Best moment this week: hmm just slowing down. Nick was off cause he’s sick so we were able to just lay around the house and slow down. I need that reminder sometimes  

Miss Anything? Laying on my back to sleep. I’m also starting to miss the whole putting my shoes on while standing up. 

Movement: some days she moves a ton and some she’s chill lol  

Food cravings: I’ve been really craving meatloaf for the last few years and I’ve yet to make it lol but other than that I don’t feel like I’ve been craving anything 

Anything making you queasy or sick: it’s a hit or miss with anything 

Have you started to show yet: yes. I feel like the pictures make me look bigger than I actually am. Or maybe I am that big and I just don’t feel it?

Gender: little girl 👧 

Labor Signs: nope

Belly Button in or out? Um... I think it’s out. See picture. https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1btQ9-ikxqFBVoCrk1vG59be4R2uyhK70

Wedding rings on or off? Off lol 😂 I haven’t had my rings in almost 2 weeks 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I feel like I’m happy but I also know I have a short temper 

Looking forward to: her being here. There’s a part of me that is assuming that the moment she gets here I’ll start feeling better with my migraines. And I’m holding on to that hope. 
Migraines. (This one is new but I want to remember for the future) 6 migraine days. They weren’t horrible. Mostly managed by pain meds 

Happy Valentine’s Day

Our Story...

😍How did you guys meet? Ivy Tech. He was the security guard and I was an intern at the VITA office. 

💝Where was your first date? Pink walrus in February. It wasn’t a good date lol In fact our first two dates were horrible. 

💕How long have you been together? 5 years next Saturday 

💞Married? Yes! 3 years in June with baby girl coming in May

💓Who was interested first? Me. I’m a stocker 

💗Who said I love you first? Nick. In a corn field 

💋Who initiated your first kiss? Where was it? Nick. At a stop light in Rossville. I was the one driving. It was at 11pm at night and I was driving him back to Lafayette. Fun fact: for the first 9 months we dated, nick didn’t have a “reliable” car. So I often times would be the one who picked him and etc. 

🕰How long did it take to get serious? For him, probably 2 weeks. For me, 2 months or so lol those first 9 months I went back and forth with being doing I like him as in like like or just a friend. 

🗓Age difference? I’m almost 2 years older. But he doesn’t hold it against me and most of the time it’s hard to remember. 

📏Who is taller? Nick 

⌚️Most impatient? Me lol and him sometimes but mostly me. 

😢Most sensitive? It depends on the situation

📣Loudest?  Me, especially during my hyper streaks.

😡Most stubborn? We are both very stubborn 

💔First one to admit when they’re wrong? Me. I’m don’t like conflict. So I’m quick to apologize even if I’m not the one in the wrong. I can’t causing fights

🛌Falls asleep first? Most of the time nick is. But if it’s late enough, I will 

👖Who wears the pants in the relationship? I hate this question. We are a team. And just like  team members we each have areas that we’re better at. Nick is very good at keeping me grounded and saying we shouldn’t do something or let’s be spontaneous. I’m very good at keeping us reasonable with money and quick to get “bored” and remodel. This has been a challenge when you add nesting on top of that 

🥣Cooks better? Im better at everything except grilling. He’s the a grill master.

🧼The neat freak? I’m more organized and prefer a clean house.

🌞Better morning person? Me. He’s a night owl. 

🥇Most competitive? Neither of us are super competitive. I’m a perfectionist and type A personality. 

😂 funniest? Nick. My humor will surprise him in moments he doesn’t expect it. 

🎉Who is more social? I’m the extrovert who can’t read people very well, and he’s the introvert that has above average people instincts. We work together haha.

💪More tattoos? Me lol I have 2 with plans of more and nick has none 

🎵Sings better? I love nicks deep voice but I’ve sang more in public. 

🖥Hogs the remote? Both lol I prefer to watch the same thing over and over. (Helps my anxiety) while he’d rather watch anything new and never repeats 

💰Spends the most? I like to buy nice things but I also stress out about spending money. Even on groceries. Nick likes to spend money 

🍔Where do you eat out most as a couple? Who picks?  This is hard. We like to eat everywhere lol 😂 

🎓Did you go to the same school? Nope.

🌎Where is the furthest you have traveled together? Canada 

🚗Who drives when you travel together? Who is the better driver? We both have our faults when it comes to driving. I don’t like driving but I drive more especially since I’m pregnant since I get really nauseous. 

27 weeks


How far along?  27 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss:? Forgot to weight myself this morning 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  165.6 as if 26 weeks 

Maternity clothes? All the time

Stretch marks? None that I can see 

Sleep: last night: horrible. It wasn’t even worth sleeping. Most of the time I sleep ok. I wake up about every 1.5/2 hours to pee and I’m wide awake at 6am 

Best moment this week: nick was able to feel baby girl move which was very exciting and took us both by surprise  

Miss Anything? Laying onmy back. This is getting worse each week. The desire to lay on my back 

Movement: mostly low or very high. Light kicks and punches. I held my niece on Friday night and baby didn’t like that too much. Lots of kicks and punches were Ally was sitting  

Food cravings:  I really want meatloaf but I haven’t made it yet. Spaghetti sounded really good last week 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I still have my bouts of nausea. Lately it’s been more from the really bad heartburn I’ve been having. But I haven’t thrown up in weeks 

Have you started to show yet: yep 

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: nope. I’ve had a few what I think were Braxton Hicks but then they went away almost immediately 

Belly Button in or out? More out than in 

Wedding rings on or off? Well I took my rings in to get soddered so off right now 

Happy or Moody most of the time:  I feel like I’m happy most of the time but I know that I’m very moody and I’m trying to not be so bitchy 

Looking forward to: 3rd trimester lol 😂 baby here and baby shower. I really want my migraines to go back to normal and I want my baby in my arms. I’m also looking forward to warmer weather 

26 weeks


How far along? 26 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss: - 2.4 pounds. I forgot to weight myself this morning cause I felt so bad. Weighted Tuesday morning. 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  165.6

Maternity clothes? All the time

Stretch marks? None that I can see 

Sleep:  horrible. I wake up every couple of hours or so to pee 

Best moment this week:  not pregnancy related but I was able to visit with a friend that I haven’t seen since July.  

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back 

Movement: she’s moving more and more. But this is one area that I had expectation that I didn’t realize. I thought at like 16 weeks I’d feel her and constantly feel her but due to my anterior placenta, and basic pregnancy facts, baby kicks are actually really small and light. I’m starting to know when she’s kicking but it’s hard to reconize during the day. I mostly notice her during the night.  

Food cravings: lately sushi lol 😂 meatloaf and egg casserole

Anything making you queasy or sick: everything has the opportunity to make me sick. 

Have you started to show yet: yes. I feel like I’ve really started to look pregnant instead of that I ate a full meal 

Gender: girl 

Labor Signs: nope

Belly Button in or out? Depends on the day. 

Wedding rings on or off? Right now they’re off because I took them today to get soddered 

Happy or Moody most of the time:  both? Lol 

Looking forward to: lots of things. Lol I really want her to be here. My baby shower is the end of March and I’m looking forward to that. I’m also looking forward to feeling her more and more each week 
Pregnancy isn’t all glamorous and fun. I’ve had a rough last few days. Between my upper back and neck hurting a ton, having a yeast infection (if you don’t like honest truth then leave) and hardly sleeping, I’m tired, exhausted and just ready to hold my newborn. I know it’s not time yet. But I feel so impatient for something that I have no control over. 
But while all of that, pregnancy is so special. I love feeling her and talking to her. Knowing that very soon she’ll be here. There’s no words to describe the feeling of being pregnant and of her kicking/moving. 

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