28 weeks! 3rd trimester


How far along? 28 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss: +0.2 pounds 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  168.2

I’m going to be real here. Weight is something mentally that I’ve struggled with over the last 4 years. I really should write a whole blog post on this but in 2017, my old job did a health challenge and the goal was to make us grow more health-conscious. Problem is that I started working out and watching what I ate, I lost weight But then it became this mental battle with eating or worrying about weight. I put on weight after getting marriage and it effected my mental health. Why am I sharing this? Because while I’m back at my “pre” pregnancy weight, I want to remind myself and others who are pregnant, that we are growing a baby. Which means I will continue gaining weight. We’re supposed to gain 30ish pounds or more while pregnant. That’s what baby needs. So if the scale bothers you, Don't weigh yourself. Don't stress or worry about it. There will be plenty of time after the baby to "lose" weight. But remember the goal is to have a healthy baby and a healthy momma. If you're worried about how much weight you're putting on, talk to your doctor. Let's be healthy. 

Maternity clothes? All the time lol they’re really the only thing comfortable anymore. Sometimes I wear some of nicks sweatpants

Stretch marks? None that I can see 

Sleep: it’s been ok. I wake up around 4 times a night to pee. And I feel like I’m always exhausted 

Best moment this week: hmm just slowing down. Nick was off cause he’s sick so we were able to just lay around the house and slow down. I need that reminder sometimes  

Miss Anything? Laying on my back to sleep. I’m also starting to miss the whole putting my shoes on while standing up. 

Movement: some days she moves a ton and some she’s chill lol  

Food cravings: I’ve been really craving meatloaf for the last few years and I’ve yet to make it lol but other than that I don’t feel like I’ve been craving anything 

Anything making you queasy or sick: it’s a hit or miss with anything 

Have you started to show yet: yes. I feel like the pictures make me look bigger than I actually am. Or maybe I am that big and I just don’t feel it?

Gender: little girl 👧 

Labor Signs: nope

Belly Button in or out? Um... I think it’s out. See picture. https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1btQ9-ikxqFBVoCrk1vG59be4R2uyhK70

Wedding rings on or off? Off lol 😂 I haven’t had my rings in almost 2 weeks 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I feel like I’m happy but I also know I have a short temper 

Looking forward to: her being here. There’s a part of me that is assuming that the moment she gets here I’ll start feeling better with my migraines. And I’m holding on to that hope. 
Migraines. (This one is new but I want to remember for the future) 6 migraine days. They weren’t horrible. Mostly managed by pain meds 

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