Happy Valentine’s Day

Our Story...

😍How did you guys meet? Ivy Tech. He was the security guard and I was an intern at the VITA office. 

πŸ’Where was your first date? Pink walrus in February. It wasn’t a good date lol In fact our first two dates were horrible. 

πŸ’•How long have you been together? 5 years next Saturday 

πŸ’žMarried? Yes! 3 years in June with baby girl coming in May

πŸ’“Who was interested first? Me. I’m a stocker 

πŸ’—Who said I love you first? Nick. In a corn field 

πŸ’‹Who initiated your first kiss? Where was it? Nick. At a stop light in Rossville. I was the one driving. It was at 11pm at night and I was driving him back to Lafayette. Fun fact: for the first 9 months we dated, nick didn’t have a “reliable” car. So I often times would be the one who picked him and etc. 

πŸ•°How long did it take to get serious? For him, probably 2 weeks. For me, 2 months or so lol those first 9 months I went back and forth with being doing I like him as in like like or just a friend. 

πŸ—“Age difference? I’m almost 2 years older. But he doesn’t hold it against me and most of the time it’s hard to remember. 

πŸ“Who is taller? Nick 

⌚️Most impatient? Me lol and him sometimes but mostly me. 

😒Most sensitive? It depends on the situation

πŸ“£Loudest?  Me, especially during my hyper streaks.

😑Most stubborn? We are both very stubborn 

πŸ’”First one to admit when they’re wrong? Me. I’m don’t like conflict. So I’m quick to apologize even if I’m not the one in the wrong. I can’t causing fights

πŸ›ŒFalls asleep first? Most of the time nick is. But if it’s late enough, I will 

πŸ‘–Who wears the pants in the relationship? I hate this question. We are a team. And just like  team members we each have areas that we’re better at. Nick is very good at keeping me grounded and saying we shouldn’t do something or let’s be spontaneous. I’m very good at keeping us reasonable with money and quick to get “bored” and remodel. This has been a challenge when you add nesting on top of that 

πŸ₯£Cooks better? Im better at everything except grilling. He’s the a grill master.

🧼The neat freak? I’m more organized and prefer a clean house.

🌞Better morning person? Me. He’s a night owl. 

πŸ₯‡Most competitive? Neither of us are super competitive. I’m a perfectionist and type A personality. 

πŸ˜‚ funniest? Nick. My humor will surprise him in moments he doesn’t expect it. 

πŸŽ‰Who is more social? I’m the extrovert who can’t read people very well, and he’s the introvert that has above average people instincts. We work together haha.

πŸ’ͺMore tattoos? Me lol I have 2 with plans of more and nick has none 

🎡Sings better? I love nicks deep voice but I’ve sang more in public. 

πŸ–₯Hogs the remote? Both lol I prefer to watch the same thing over and over. (Helps my anxiety) while he’d rather watch anything new and never repeats 

πŸ’°Spends the most? I like to buy nice things but I also stress out about spending money. Even on groceries. Nick likes to spend money 

πŸ”Where do you eat out most as a couple? Who picks?  This is hard. We like to eat everywhere lol πŸ˜‚ 

πŸŽ“Did you go to the same school? Nope.

🌎Where is the furthest you have traveled together? Canada 

πŸš—Who drives when you travel together? Who is the better driver? We both have our faults when it comes to driving. I don’t like driving but I drive more especially since I’m pregnant since I get really nauseous. 

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