Things I didn't know about being pregnant

First-time mom, you get lots of new information throw at you. You can read all the books and blogs but there will still be new things that you just didn't know. Each pregnancy is different too so just cause it happened to me doesn't mean that it will happen to you.

1) There will be lots of things that you're told to register for and told not to. There are hundreds of baby items out there. There are both positive and negative views on every item. While my baby isn't here yet, I know there are some things that I registered for that in 6 months, I will be like "Why did we register for this?" and there's going to be some items that I didn't register for that I'm going to have to go out and buy lol.  Few rules I had when I first found out that I was pregnant
  • We live in a small house. So I researched and researched what is the bare min that a baby needs. What items can you make do without? etc.
  • I didn't let people talk me into putting something on my registry. I haven't had my shower yet but I tried to have my registry done 2 months before we sent out invitations. I also had 2 of my closest friends look over my registry to see if there was anything important that I missed. But I've had a few people message me since we mailed out baby shower invitations asking why we don't have this item or that item. Some even told me that I would regret not putting certain items on the registry. I took this advice and would look into why I would need it. If they made sense and pointed something out that I hadn't thought of, then I put it on the list but if I felt, we didn't need it, then I thanked them and moved on. Just because it worked for someone doesn't mean it would work for you. Example. we have 2 big dogs. Baby won't be laying on the floor or even at dog level because I'm worried they'd step on her. I saw those doorway bouncers and gave it some thought. The problem is I just don't trust my dogs to not run into her. I was told that I would regret not getting one and I might. But I'm trying to keep the safety of my child first and in my thoughts, I don't see how that would be safe with my dogs.    
  • There are lots of items out there that you don't need but are nice. There are lots of items out there that look nice but create more work lol
  • you have to store everything lol 
2) Your stomach muscles can be really tight. Your stomach skin can be really tight. These are hard to know the difference between. A rule of thumb for me is if it feels like my belly is tight then i put lotion on. lol, It's helped a lot. Also doing yoga or swimming has helped some if it's my stomach muscles that feel tight. 

3) Baby hicks- They aren't what I thought they'd feel like. I do have an anterior placenta so maybe that's why they feel like this but it's not what I imagined. First off, I didn't really feel kicks until after 22 weeks. I probably felt them before but I didn't realize what I was feeling. They aren't strong. They feel like someone has a feather and is running it up and down inside my belly. I have moments where I get a big kick but it mostly feels like feathers. I also thought that you'd be able to see kicks by looking at your belly and it will probably happen later on but hasn't happened yet. I also thought that other people would be able to feel hicks early on but Nick's only been able to feel her once. I'm expecting that to get more and more as we get further into the 3rd trimester. 

My goal is to keep updating this as my 3rd trimester goes on.

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