27 weeks


How far along?  27 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss:? Forgot to weight myself this morning 

       Starting Weight: 168

       Current Weight:  165.6 as if 26 weeks 

Maternity clothes? All the time

Stretch marks? None that I can see 

Sleep: last night: horrible. It wasn’t even worth sleeping. Most of the time I sleep ok. I wake up about every 1.5/2 hours to pee and I’m wide awake at 6am 

Best moment this week: nick was able to feel baby girl move which was very exciting and took us both by surprise  

Miss Anything? Laying onmy back. This is getting worse each week. The desire to lay on my back 

Movement: mostly low or very high. Light kicks and punches. I held my niece on Friday night and baby didn’t like that too much. Lots of kicks and punches were Ally was sitting  

Food cravings:  I really want meatloaf but I haven’t made it yet. Spaghetti sounded really good last week 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I still have my bouts of nausea. Lately it’s been more from the really bad heartburn I’ve been having. But I haven’t thrown up in weeks 

Have you started to show yet: yep 

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: nope. I’ve had a few what I think were Braxton Hicks but then they went away almost immediately 

Belly Button in or out? More out than in 

Wedding rings on or off? Well I took my rings in to get soddered so off right now 

Happy or Moody most of the time:  I feel like I’m happy most of the time but I know that I’m very moody and I’m trying to not be so bitchy 

Looking forward to: 3rd trimester lol 😂 baby here and baby shower. I really want my migraines to go back to normal and I want my baby in my arms. I’m also looking forward to warmer weather 

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