Plans Differ

Sometimes in life, Plans change or differ from either what you wanted or want you wished for.

At the beginning of this year, I was ok at my job. I wasn't happy but it's a job and i did enjoy it. I remember thinking in late April that I didn't know much longer i would work there but i wasn't planning on leaving it any time soon.

In May, before i went away for a vacation, My Boss pulled me into his office and told me that they were reorganizing the business and that i didn't fit into the business. My husband and i prayed but we felt that due to my migraines, that this would be the perfect time to become self employed

It hasn't been easy but it's had some amazing benefits.

It's been 3 months since I left my job and I've enjoyed being self employed.

When i left my accounting job to work from home, I had some expectations.
1) my house would be cleaner. Cause I'm home all day. Um NO. lol It's not because i'm there all day. I get the dishes done and then it's time for lunch.  It is kinda cleaner, especially lately as I've gotten into a routine.
2) I'd be so board that i would be able to get my whole to-do list done in the first month. Haha. Bored? Nope. There is a never ending to-do list. I have another things that i would rather do than check off my list.

Pros with working at home
1) I don't feel like i'm a disappointed to anyone. To my Boss, or coworkers or my husband.
2) While my migraines haven't stopped, they have gotten better. The Nice thing about my migraines is that i don't have the guilt for having one. Instead I'm able to focus on myself  and get better faster without worrying about what others are thinking.

I thought i would want to leave the house. That i would get tired of staying home but instead i think it's made me more of a hermit. I enjoy being at home and i don't really like leaving it.

I also realized that while i'm not a procrastinator. I do procrastinate about certain things. like that load of laundry laying on my bed to be folded.

While I love being self employed, It also has its problems but Once i got a routine down, It made life so much easier.

Are you a writer?

Have you ever seen the story promps on Pinterest? I have a whole board because i like how they can spark an idea in 2-3 sentences. Each person can take it and create their own story.

For Example

"You find a stack of "Missing Persons" news clippings under your parents' bed. All with your photo."

How would you finish the story? I know how i would. 

I think the reason i like these is because I'm able to be a writer.

For years, I dreamed about being a writer. I would make up good stories in my head and i would act them out in my back yard. But i could never write them on paper. I've dreamed of being a writing since i started my first daily journal over 10 years ago. I would just write, I would set a limit and i would write for 5 mins and would write for that long. Anything and everything that came out of my brain. I now call it "My brain dump" and i now do it in an app on my phone or as a draft of this blog. 
Sometimes my dumps become post. Sometimes they sit on the shelf for years. Sometimes they turned into letters to people or personal diary entries to my heart.

But still, While i've down this for years and i have my own blog, I never consider myself a writer. 
That was until one day when i saw this quote on Pinterest .

" Write what should not be forgotten..." By Isabel Allende

I don't write for the blog post. But i write as a way for me to remember myself. Past, Present and Future. 

I write to inform myself in 5 years that i'm doing ok. To prove to myself from 4 years ago that I'm still alive and I'm happy. 

I write for myself.

A few weeks ago, An old friend contacted me and told me that i had let a journal with him. He wanted to know if i wanted it back. It was from over 10 years ago and had multiple entries of when my grandma was really sick and then later when she passed away. I was able to get that old journal from him and it was like getting a gift from myself. My husband was able to read everything i thought of on the day of my grandma's funeral and I was able to remember the emotions. I had also done a thing called "20 things about Hannah at age 18" and that was real insight full. Not just for my husband who learned how much i've grown and changed but I also listed how much gas was at the point in my life. LOL again, all of my journals were just places that i dumped everything that was in my brain. I'm thankful now for laptops and be able to digitally write my thoughts.

That's why i have this blog. Is to share my thoughts. 

So since this post doesn't really have a topic. What about you? Do you write?

Life is like Candy Land

Have you ever played the game Candy Land? For a while growing up that was the only game my youngest sister wanted to play. As the older sister, I ended up playing it a lot. We would start the game and I would wish for the peppermint stick card or the purple card or something that would make this game go faster, Or the lollipop Woods or something. The faster the game was over, the better.

Sound familiar? My sister would be wishing for each color because she wanted the game to last longer while I was wishing for it to be over.

So many times in life we are wishing for things Without living in the present.

When we are 14, we are wishing for our permit.
When we are 16, wishing for our license.
When we are 17, Our first Job.
When we are 18, to graduate
When we are 21, to drink.

The list goes on and on. To move out, to buy a house, to date, to get married, to have a kid, etc....

Pretty soon if we aren't careful, it would be like Candy land. We'll be to the last tile of our board and we'll be wishing the game to never end. This is very important as we never know when our last day will be.

Often with this wishing, our life away comes with unhappiness with the present.

We sit here and go " I don't like this about my life" but often times we daydream of what the future will look like without starting the work. You don't just wake up one day to this wonderful life. You have to put the work into this life to get it. You have to serve God to reap the benefits.

Matthew 6:11 " Give us this day our daily bread". Not next weeks, or years. But Daily Bread. God wants to care for us daily. We aren't supposed to sit there and wish away our lives. But to serve God where we are and to enjoy each and every day.

Life will change. Faster than you know it.
I have memories that feel like yesterday and they are almost 10 years old. I feel like my longest years were in high school when really they were very short.

Enjoy each day. and Don't wish the game away.


SO 24 Hours ago, I had like 5% anxiety and my biggest worry was how I was going to babysit my 3 cousins all day. But Right now... My anxiety is like level 1000% and I'm struggling to keep my fears to myself.

On Days like this, I'm always struck with how should a christian woman handle anxiety. Philippians 4:7 says " And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  I used to think that this mean that God will prevent me from having anxiety. But I've know came to think that's not the case but God will give you peace during times of anxiety.

Growing up, I don't remember talking to my parents about anxiety or really know what it was until i met my husband. One of the first hard conversation that my husband and i had was about my anxiety and how i had to get it under control. It was the first time that i realized I had anxiety and how bad it really was. I also realized I had had it for years.

Matthew 6:27 " And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? "

Sometimes I have anxiety over things, whether big or small.  Answering the phone, cashing a check, seeing my parents, telling Nick something that i don't like, taking a test or sometimes it's as simple as checking my email. Big things like going to a wedding, giving someone directions, or having a large conversation with my parents.

If you struggle with anxiety find someone who can help. My helper is my husband and a ladies bible group. When i tell my husband, my anxiety is bad, He reminds me to breath and then prays for me.

I've learning Day by Day to allow God to control my life more and more. On Days that i allow God to control, My anxiety I feel like God is always showing me that he loves me. By little things, like someone buying my coffee, or things going better than planned. Or sometimes I learn to give God my anxiety when things don't go as planned, when i can't find my laptop, or my dogs are missing or when my anxiety is causing a clouded mind that i can't sleep. But God is always there for you to cast your anxiety on. He cares for you. He's our father!

I always feel like when i have one anxiety thought, I quickly have 1000! Psalms 94:19 "When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, your consolations delight my soul"

We can always find comfort in prayer and in the bible.
God knows that we have anxiety. David said in Psalms 38:18 " For i confess my iniquity: I am full of anxiety..."

So for those who have anxiety, You aren't alone. Don't feel like you aren't a christian for having them. Just remember that God is better at being in control of our lives than we are so Give it to God.

Weekend Trip

This past weekend, We went away for our early one year anniversary. We went to the UP, Canada, Mackinaw Island and to a friend's house. We have a blast! We had four full days which was such a blessing, since Nick has changed jobs this year.

I didn't work on Friday but Nick did. So I was able to load the car, take the dogs to my parents and be already to leave when Nick got home. Nick ended up working late so we didn't leave until 8pm. Which was 2 hours behind what we wanted.

We got to St. Ignace around 4 am. By time, we got into the room and unloaded, it was 4:30. I have this sweet spot at 5 am that I'm instantly awake. So as soon as i laid down, I wasn't tired anymore. But i did fall asleep but around 8ish, I woke up starving.. Thankfully our hotel had a Continental breakfast. After breakfast, i went back to the room and took a bath in the Jacuzzi tub that we had in the room.
Nick woke up and then we went out to explore St Ignace. I had been there multiple times before but Nick had never been. We went to Castle rock. It was super foggy so we weren't able to see the lake but it was still really cool! We went to a few stores and ate lunch at my favorite pizza place. Then we tried to find a fishing spot. I had promised Nick that on Saturday He could fish. We found a few spots but the gnats were so bad. It made me understand the plagues in Egypt. lol.
After fishing, we went back to the hotel and watched a movie. After the movie, we went out to eat. One of my favorite restaurants in St Ignace, is the Gangplank.  They have amazing food.
After supper, we were going to go to more shops but changed our bed and went back to the hotel. We were both tired and just wanted to rest

On Sunday, we woke early and took the 9:30 Am Ferry to Mackinaw Island. It was the ferry that went under the bridge and it was cold! lol After the ferry ride and we arrived at the island, we took a carriage ride (which was awesome!!) There was two carriage rides. One was drawn by two horses and took you through the town and to Surrey Hill. At Surrey Hill, you get off the ride. They have food, A Museum and Wings of Mackinaw. Wings of Mackinaw is the butterfly place and it was amazing!!!! Nick took lots of pictures and it was amazing to see all those butterflies. After the wings of Mackinaw, it was a short walk to the grand hotel stable. It was amazing to see all the old carriages that they have there. They're still in good condition too.
After Surrey hill, We boarded a 3 horse drawn carriage, and went to Arch rock. At Arch rock,we had 7 mins to take pictures. I had seen the arch rock from below, but it was amazing to see it from the top and to see it with Nick. After Arch rock, they dropped us off and we walked down the hill to go eat lunch. We waited 45 mins for our food but it was amazing. After Lunch, we went to the fort.
We didn't spend a whole lot of time at the fort but it was still amazing.
After the fort, we went into some shops on our way back to the ferry. We both got some fudge and sweatshirts.
On Monday, We woke early and went to Canada!! I love canada. We went fishing and the gnats were still really bad. But we had a blast.
Tuesday morning we woke up, loaded the car and drove to my friends house. She had just had a baby a few weeks ago. I loved visiting with her for a few hours and it was amazing!!
Then we drove the 8 hours home. We got to my parents to pick up the dogs at 10 pm and got home and in bed by midnight lol. It was a long weekend but wonderful.

Christmas, New Years and Tax Season

My goodness! Where has this last month gone? Oh i know, Christmas, New Years, Tax season, College, Yep pretty much sums it up.

Christmas was great for our first year being married. We have 7 Christmas, and we made it to 6 (I was very sick with a migraine for the 7th.) While it was a busy 4 days, it was a good busy. I can't explain to you how amazing it was to wake up next to Nick on Christmas morning and be like "Merry Christmas!" and it be able to see his excitement when it dawned on him that it was finally Christmas. It was like watching a kid on Christmas lol Having Christmas just the two of us was great too.

We had plans to go away for new years but my friends who were supposed to cover my Sunday nursery shift got sick, so we canceled our plans. But on New Years Eve, I got to hold my friends newborn baby girl and we went out to another friends and played games. Then we went back to our little home and watched the ball drop.

Tax Season has officially started which means i'm working over 50 something hours a week. January has always been the hardest month but this year it has actually gone by fairly easily, which has me worried that Feb will be bad.

College started back up for both Nick and I. While i'm online and he's in class, College is annoying. He has class 1 day a week and i do class at work. I should be done this coming summer. yay!!

Another thing that I've picked up this year (2019) is i'm crocheting more. I'm hoping that is summer(once tax season is over) i can start an etsy shop and actually sell my crochet but until then, go check out my crochet blog at

Hope you all are having a wonderful new year!!


Bucket Budgeting

I heard once someone say you should do envelope budgeting. That's fine but i never use cash. I can't keep track of it for my personal budgeting. After i moved out, i spent 9 months trying to have a better peace of mind for my budget. and then i found it. It's called Bucket Budgeting. Just like the envelope system but using digital envelopes such as bank accounts. I find it so easy. the first couple of months are hard. So be warned. But once you get used to it, it does get easier. I promise. So For a year now I've done bucket budgeting.. After we got married Nick joined that as well..
Here is how we do it.

We use Capital One 360 Savings and Checking account. You can have 3 checking accounts with unlimited withdraws and the savings accounts are unlimited amounts but only 6 withdraws a month.

We have the 3 checking accounts.
1- For our Credit/Debt Payment
1- For Our House Payment
1- for Our "Lump" account.

Then we have our savings accounts
~ Utilities
~ Car Loan
~ Fitness (This is for plexus right now but someday will be for the gym)
~ Car Insurance
~ Gas Fund
~ Groceries
~ Phone Payment
~ Emergency
~ Medical
~  Gift

We transfer money every Monday from our Personal/Joint checking into the Lump account. It deposits into the Capital One account on Tuesday and Then i transfer each individual amounts into their accounts. Something like this. This is based off our December Budget

Lump account- $1000.00 deposited into the lump account.
the following amounts get transferred out of the lump account,
House account- $128.75
Credit- $200
Utilities- $43.75
Car Loan- $46.50
Fitness- $33.75
Insurance- $75.00
Gas- $87.50
Groceries - $93.75
Phone- $43.75
Emergency- $10.00
Medical- $50.00
Gift- $37.25

This happens every week. Some of the accounts have Auto Transfer but most don't. For fear that it will take longer for the Personal/Lump Deposit from our bank.

Our Budget is the same week after week. It doesn't change when they're 5 weeks in a month. So some of our accounts start the month at zero and end at zero but some don't because of the 5 weeks.

The accounts that start and end at zero
~ Credit account. Some Months we pay more on our debt.
~ Gas Fund- Generally This starts and ends at zero. We have a speedway Credit card that we use for gas and I pay this card off each week, Sometimes the bank account has some left but most of the time, it's drained.
~ Car Loan- If it's had 5 weeks, We just pay a larger payment.

Some accounts gather money through out the whole year. Like the Insurance Account.
Our Car insurance is due monthly and it's only $245 so we're putting an extra $55 dollars in a month. We do this so that eventually we'll hopefully be able to pay the whole balance at the beginning of the 6 months.
Utilities - We put more money into this account than we take out. Why? Well we are currently on budget billing but eventually We'll have to pay the balance on our budget billing but also because i like to have that security and not have to worry about bills.
Phone- This was a great idea! We just kept the extra in the account until we had enough to pay off my phone. Which was great! because it lowered our monthly payment so now we're putting anymore into savings.

Having this money in each savings accounts, just helps my peace of mind when it comes to paying our bills. Even though it's not all in the same account, it's still something in savings.

If anyone has any questions, Feel free to comment :) Hopefully this explains how we do our bucket budgeting

Six months of Marriage - 12.04.18

On Sunday, We've been married for 6 months. It's amazing how time both flies and drags . lol Marriage has been better than i ever could imagine.

It's had it's ups and downs.

Our honeymoon was great. we were on vacation.
Then we got back home. lol That first week was interesting. Lots of new things to learn. Nick was also working his last week at his old job so we worked 2 different schedules while preparing for him to start a new job. He was also going to class 4 nights a week so he was never home.

July was rough.. It started with me having wisdom tooth pain. And since i'm an accountant, i worried about how we could afford the surgery that i was needing for my wisdom tooth. On top of being in a lot of pain, July was busy with plans: the county fair, 2 of them lol , and preparing for my family vacation. It was hard on nick because it was the first month of adjusting to living not with his parents. it was rough. I can't say that enough.
I went on a family vacation with my family first week in august and Nick stayed home to take care of the animals and work his new job. It was a good vacation, if any vacation is good when your husband of 2 months is at home. lol But then I came home and we went right back into our daily lives but it was much smoother than July.
And each month has gotten better since.
I've finely gotten used to the 10 extra loads of laundry a week. I've gotten used to having 2 dogs, 1 cat and a rabbit inside lol. A cat who pees on the floor. (Have i said i don't like cats? lol)
I've gotten used to my husband being picky.

While it's had it's ups and downs. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
While Nick said that 6 months isnt a big deal, I think it is.
I think this is amazing and i'm thankful that God allowed me to married this wonderful man.
I can't wait for many more months.

Migraines - 10.30.18

I've had migraines longer than i can remember. But at some point in my life, i decided not to remember them. So since i live with hundreds of them a year, I only remember the good things that happen that day. Not whether or not i have one.

This morning i had a bad one but the meds were able to start working..

I didn't have a single migraines on our wedding day or the week of our honeymoon. For me that's was incredible to go over a week without one. Cause i rarely go more than 2-3 days.

While migraines are frustrating, it's also taught me a lot of things.
1) That your mind gives up before your body does.
2) Mental Health is important.
3) I don't take my migraine free days for granted.

I have such an amazing husband. He got thrown into this life of migraines and he handles it every well.
We're still looking for a cure. In fact, in 2017 i had 167 and so far for this year, I've had 168. So i don't think my meds are working. So next summer, (after tax season), I'm planning on going off all my preventive meds. I'm hoping that that will help.

Wedding Date post - 10.18.18

It's been a while since I've written a post. So much has happened.

We got married on June 9th at a pond and it was the most wonderful day ever. :) Mr and i went on our honeymoon to Louisville Kentucky and we had a blast. We went to a glass blowing shop and went go karting and went to mamoth cave and went camping lol. It was a blast.

 We got back from our honeymoon and went right into life. Nick started a new job and was going to school 4 nights a week which caused some stressful conversations. lol

We are still adjusting to life with 2 dogs and 1 cat in an 800 square foot house. One of our dogs especially has a hard time accepting the cat. They're getting better together.

I was still able to go on my family's yearly vacation to Canada. It was hard going a week. Hard to be away from Nick but at the same time hard to not stay in my Happy Place for  2 weeks. I have always remembered going for 2 years so this was a first memory.

Also this summer, I had to have unexpected wisdom tooth surgury when i found out that not only was my wisdom tooth infected but my back two molars as well.

Life is a busy as ever and it's not stopping now

Other Blog shutting down.

I'm copying post from my other blog. I had plans of starting another blog but this blog holds so many memories. I wrote on the other blog all of last year but have decided to shut it down and write on this one from now on :)

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